Alumni Christina Kosmowski, Rodney Priestley to speak at 2023 McCormick graduation events


Daily file photo by Ava Mandoli

Kosmowski will address graduates at the McCormick undergraduate convocation, and Priestley will speak at the Master’s Degree Recognition Ceremony and McCormick Ph.D. Hooding.

Pavan Acharya, Print Managing Editor

LogicMonitor CEO Christina Kosmowski (McCormick ’98) and Princeton University Graduate School Dean and National Science Foundation I-Corps Hub co-director Rodney Priestley (McCormick M.S. ’05, Doctorate ’08) will spea

Kosmowski will address graduates at the McCormick undergraduate convocation, and Priestley will speak at the Master’s Degree Recognition Ceremony and McCormick Ph.D. Hooding.

k at the McCormick School of Engineering’s graduation ceremonies June 11, Northwestern announced Thursday. 

Kosmowski will address graduates at the McCormick undergraduate convocation, and Priestley will speak at the Master’s Degree Recognition Ceremony and McCormick Ph.D. Hooding.

Kosmowski, a member of Northwestern Engineering’s McCormick Advisory Council, worked in senior management positions at Slack and Salesforce before becoming president of LogicMonitor, an infrastructure monitoring platform, in 2021. 

Priestley has researched thin polymer films, nanocomposites and nanoparticles. He also designed biocompatible surfactants and created polymer films resistant to property changes.

“Christina and Rodney are two excellent examples of how a Northwestern Engineering education can lead to a fulfilling and successful career,” McCormick Dean Julio Ottino said in a news release. “I am delighted for them to join us, and I know their words will have a profound impact on our newest graduates.”

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