Dear Chair Barris and Trustees,
The academic freedom of universities and colleges is essential to preserving a thriving democracy. These institutions must be free from the whims of politics.
Our alma mater Northwestern University has been under attack for adopting policies and procedures that are designed so students of all races, religions and political views have equal opportunities in all aspects of campus life.
The Trump administration has decided to attack NU and other universities by using the power of the purse to force these institutions to bend the knee.
By forcing our University to eliminate any references to diversity, equity and inclusion, which really means any references that include women, people of color and other groups, the Trump administration is interfering with the free expression and research essential for evidence-based teaching, the development of critical thinking and the advancement of our society.
By threatening to withhold federal funds because it disagrees with how the University has handled student dissent, the Trump administration is interfering with academic freedom.
We, the undersigned alums, urge the Board of Trustees and administration to resist yielding to the bullying behavior of the Trump administration.
Eva Jefferson Paterson (Weinberg ’71, Honorary Doctor of Laws ’22)
Erwin Chemerinsky (Communication ’75)
William Wick (Weinberg ’71)
Jeff Rice (Weinberg ’72)
Jordan Looney (Communication ’10)
Jerry Hyman (Weinberg ’71)
Nancy Staisey (Weinberg ’73)
Eleanor Steele Stewart (Weinberg ’68)
Eliza Posner (Weinberg ’21)
Kori Michele Cooper (Weinberg ’18)
Gregory Hodge (Weinberg ’82)
Steven Lubet (Weinberg ’70)
Suzanne K. Torrey (Pritzker ’74)
Joyce K. Wade (SESP ’70)
John M. Alongi (Weinberg ’93, ’94, ’98)
Lauren Alexander (Medill ’10)
Julie Coplon (Communication ’70)
Antony Burt (Pritzker ’82)
Steven J. Harper (Weinberg ’76)
Linda Lipton (Kellogg ’90)
Moneik-Marie Lewis (McCormick ’12)
Abigail Roston (Weinberg ’22)
Tricia Hansen (Bienen ’94)
Ryan Beveridge (Bienen ’93)
James Bendat (Communication ’71)
Susan Marya Baronoff (Communication)
Jennifer Gehm Posner (Weinberg ’86)
Henry Rose (Weinberg ’71)
Alan Wade (Communication ’68, ’81)
David Frank (Bienen ’70)
Jeffrey Haddow (Communication ’69)
Michael C. Smith (Weinberg ’70, ’72)
Michael J. Gill (Weinberg and Pritzker ’77)
Dan Gardner (Communication ’76)
Miriam Wagenberg Flatow (Communication ’71)
Sara Louise Lazarus (Communication ’68)
Nicki Bazer (Weinberg ’97)
Carla Oleck Skiba (Communication ’72, SESP ’76)
Willard S. Evans Jr. (McCormick ’77, Kellogg ’81)
John Edward Higginson (Medill ’70)
Shobha Mahadev (Pritzker ’99)
Eva Thorp (Weinberg ’72)
Whitman Soule (Weinberg ’77, ’82)
Lyda Phillips (Weinberg ’70)
Paul Greenberg (Medill ’71)
Adair Waldenberg (Weinberg ’72)
Marley Haller (Bienen ’07)
Kirsty Montgomery (SPS ’07)
Toby Ditz (Weinberg ’72)
A. Fiona McKinnon (Pritzker ’15)
Brandon J. DeLallo (SPS ’12)
Howard Wasserman (Medill ’90, Pritzker ’97)
Peter Straus (McCormick ’70, ’72)
Alice Fried Martell (Weinberg ’71)
Bonnie Bellow (Communication ’68)
Leslie Bravman Jacobson (Communication ’70)
Magali Matarazzi (Pritzker ’99, SPS ’08)
Loester M Lewis (SESP ’71, ’89, Kellogg ’89)
Michael Pope (Pritzker ’69)
Leslie E. Harris (Weinberg ’70)
Rachel Gandell Tetlow (Weinberg ’08)
Rachel Noteware (Communication ’08)
Andrew Weiss (Kellogg ’80, ’83)
Reginald Metcalf (Communication ’80)
Caroline Barry (Weinberg ’08)
Ruella Frank (Communication ’69)
Eugene L Combs Jr. (Weinberg ’77)
Cornelius Rogers (Weinberg ’77)
Clyde Sei Kusatsu (Communication ’70)
Rebecca Pellegrino (Weinberg ’97)
Molly Lipsitz Methner (Medill ’08)
J. C. Lore (Pritzker ’99)
Peter Hubbell von Mayrhauser (Communication ’70)
Virginia Dzurinko (Weinberg ’71)
Caren Van Slyke (Communication ’71)
Steven Goldstein (Weinberg ’73)
Sheila Swanson (Weinberg ’91, SESP ’92)
Louis C. Schueddig (Communication ’70)
Cindy Wilson (Pritzker ’86)
Jessica Anderson Brandwein (Weinberg ’06)
Sofia Landon Geier (attended)
Pamela Peniston (Communication ’71, TGS ’73)
Ethan Dlugie (Weinberg ’18)
Mark Witte (Weinberg ’87, Weinberg ’97)
Connor Murray (McCormick ’18)
Aleksandra Grabowski (SESP ’19)
Michael Henoch (Bienen ’71, ’72)
Timothy S. Stevens (Weinberg ’82, ’90)
Mackenzie Lim (Communication ’21)
Taylor Paxton (Weinberg ’13)
Brenda Blair (Kellogg ’80)
Mark Lee Josephson (Pritzker ’97)
Elizabeth (Atwater) Pawlicki (Weinberg ’08)
Kaitlyn Chriswell (Weinberg ’14)
Anthony Patterson (McCormick ’77)
Melissa Meloro (Communication ’97)
Chris E. Hasselbring (Bienen ’91)
Conor L Montgomery (SPS ’20)
Brett Gitskin (McCormick ’84, ’90)
David Baum (Weinberg ’91)
Patricia Wicks (SESP ’92)
Matthew Marth (Weinberg ’21)
Melinda Chan (Weinberg ’07)
Caroline Olsen (Medill ’17)
Jun Fang (Weinberg ’18, ’21)
Hannah Wohl (Weinberg ’17)
Emily Handsman (Weinberg ’22)
Jeff Currie (SESP ’73, SPS ’92)
Dan Davis (Communication ’69, SESP ’78)
Andrea Durbin (Medill ’89)
Aaron Jaffe (Medill ’89)
John Collingwood Seals (Weinberg ’89)
William Wood (Weinberg ’88)
Denise Petersen (Communication ’87)
Steve Rogers (Weinberg ’79, Kellogg ’80)
Steven Hickson (Communication ’88)
Marianne Lalonde (Weinberg ’15)
Jordan McGurk (Weinberg ’13)
Rebecca Levin (Weinberg ’97)
Avik Das (Weinberg ’98)
Shulie Cowen (Communication ’91)
Betsy Gutstein (SESP ’87, Weinberg ’88, SPS ’02)
Laura Martin Jones (Communication ’87)
Kathleen T. Hayes (Medill ’93)
Paul Silverman (Communication ’88, ’89)
Erin Paisan (Medill ’90)
Anne Ternus (Medill ’89)
Jennifer Geenen (Weinberg ’96)
Shannon Justice (Weinberg ’96, SESP ’00)
Rebecca Blondin (Weinberg ’97)
Jake Edie (Weinberg ’96)
Marianne Lewis (Weinberg ’71)
Kevin Mcphillips (Communication)
Rebecca Julie Becker (Weinberg ’84, Communication ’89)
Don Frederick (Medill ’73)
Richard Cohen (Weinberg ’71)
Pamela Van Summern (Communication ’84)
Eric Bachmann (Bienen ’88, ’90)
Philip Orem (Bienen ’81, Bienen ’83)
Gerard Stropnicky (Communication ’76)
Carol Guttenplan Rosenthal (Medill ’68)
Kathleen Johnsos Sanderson (Communication ’96)
Elizabeth Owen (Communication ’89)
Stephen Gundersheim (Communication ’89)
Kristine Giltner (Weinberg ’89)
Jennifer Hauge (SESP ’97)
Allan Fierce (Pritzker ’71)
Jim Grote (Communication ’89)
Kate Spitzer-Cohn (Weinberg ’09)
Stephen J. Truog (Medill ’97)
Benjamin Ross Shields (Communication ’92)
David Fabish (McCormick ’89)
Barbara Weber Boustani (Communication ’85)
David A. Hirsch (Communication ’86, ’90)
Jason Cochran (Medill ’93)
Lindsay Hunter Morrison (Weinberg ’89)
Bruce Henderson (Communication ’78, ’79, ’83)
Regan Murphy (Weinberg ’96)
Bryan Holdman (Communication ’94)
Jennifer Bjork (Communication ’89)
Heidi Meyer (Communication ’93)
Marc Hoffman (Communication ’79)
Jan Alfred Sandven (McCormick ’99)
Lori Marr Nerenberg (McCormick ’82)
Jamie Backstrom (Communication ’89)
Diane Murray (Communication ’94)
Renee LaMear Kim (SESP ’88)
Andrew Lee (Weinberg ’89)
J. Miller Tobin (Weinberg ’82)
David Clapper (Communication ’90)
Joel Lava (Communication ’94)
Matthew Meltzer (Communication ’94)
Mark W. Conklin (Communication ’83)
Scott Voegele (McCormick ’94)
Sarah West (Medill ’95)
Thomas Griffin (Communication ’95)
Kimo Sanderson (McCormick ’95)
Bruce Taylor (Weinberg ’88)
Noelle Strong (Communication ’85)
Soodabeh Khosropur (Communication ’82)
Christina Gutierrez (SESP ’20)
Jay Russel Haesly (Weinberg ’89)
Boris Weintraub (Medill ’59, ’60)
Catherine Chaskin (Communication ’83, Pritzker ’90)
Kristin K. (Schmidt) Moriarty (Medill ’89)
Brian M. Moriarty (Kellogg ’89)
Kris Olson (Communication ’94)
Andrew Clair (SPS ’23)
Daniel R. Stalder (Weinberg ’89)
Bruce Rheins (Medill ’81)
Timothy Learmont (Weinberg ’81)
Alex Hurd (McCormick ’11)
Julie Tresnak Dietz (SESP ’88)
Alan Rosenthal (Medill ’59)
Benjamin I Weiner (Weinberg ’81, Kellogg ’84)
Joseph Purdy (Communication ’83)
Christine Dunford (Communication ’87, ’09)
Amanda Weier (Communication ’94)
Sanford Stein (Weinberg ’71)
Dawn Westlake (Communication ’86)
Stephanie Riggio (Communication ’89)
Rati Gupta (Weinberg ’06)
Venita Embry (Weinberg ’09)
Margaret Lloyd (Bienen ’95)
Megan Watson (Bienen ’03)
Jennifer Zirbel (Bienen ’95)
Greg A. Kinczewski (Medill ’71,’72)
Shannon Jaronik (Weinberg ’99)
Linda Gartz (Weinberg ’70, SESP ’72)
Gary M. English (Communication ’79)
Anne Johnsos Richter (Medill ’97)
Benita Wandel (Bienen ’74, ’75)
Mike Burke (McCormick ’74)
Loren Crawford (Communication ’84)
Penelope Poehlmann (attended)
Rod McLachlan (Communication ’82)
Lynne Thomas Burke (Weinberg ’73)
Steven Totland (Communication ’80, ’91, ’98)
Melanie Anderson (Weinberg ’82)
Robert Chaskin (Communication ’82)
Kathleen Pratt (Medill ’98)
Brenda Beiser (Weinberg ’81)
Amy Dwyre D’Agati (Communication ’89)
Elaine Chien (Weinberg ’93, Feinberg ’97)
Rupa Parekh (SESP ’02)
Robert Druzinsky (Weinberg ’76)
Emily Blackburn (Communication ’94)
Thomas Mizer (Communication ’93)
Elizabeth Murray (Communication ’88)
Todd Weeks (Communication ’86)
Elizabeth Minarik (Communication ’98)
Eduard A. Gibbs (Bienen ’80)
Greg Shymko (Medill ’88)
Adrian Moy (Communication ’74)
Benjamin Nethercot (Weinberg ’73)
James F. Hawkins (Medill ’84)
John Macdonald (Communication ’85)
Ross Edlund (Weinberg ’73)
Theresa Biancheri (Weinberg ’89)
David L. Weinstein (Pritzker ’79)
Heather Lalley (Medill ’97)
Madelaine Eulich (Weinberg ’08)
Marybeth O’Mara (Communication ’79)
Neal Steffin (McCormick ’97)
Nadine Gomes (Communication ’88)
Michael McKewin (Weinberg ’88)
Susan Breslow (’72)
Robert Ramsey (Medill ’85)
Deborah Linder (Weinberg ’94)
Erin Peterson (Communication ’93)
David Scott Ross (Weinberg ’72)
Thomas F. Geraghty (Pritzker ’69)
Mary Jackman Carpenter (Communication ’89)
Kevin Blackistone (Medill ’81)
Lauren Carbajal (Weinberg ’13)
Alice Jeon (Weinberg ’13)
Rebecca Lee (Communication ’89)
Debra Reich (Feinberg ’88, ’90)
Kent Markus (Communication ’81)
Alexandra Zaretsky (Weinberg ’13)
Sophia Robele (Communication ’13)
Parker Reynolds Jr. (SESP ’73)
Jennifer Jenkins (Weinberg ’03)
Robert Brooks Mendel (Communication ’80)
Martha Warren Berzon (Weinberg ’79)
Bill Chapin (Medill ’01)
Daria Labinsky (Communication ’84, Medill ’86)
Razeena Hamir Dhalla (Communication ’95)
J.D. Jameson (Communication ’78)
Rita Balice-Gordon (Weinberg ’82)
Katherine M. Houston (Medill ’81)
Sally Sodaro LaPorte (Communication ’95)
Dylan Storey (Weinberg ’17)
Regina Bunye Johnson (Communication ’01)
Duane Padilla (Weinberg ’97)
Ann Rothenberg Yaspan (Weinberg ’79)
Colleen Nash (SESP ’03)
Michael Vea (SESP ’01)
Tracey Wilkinson (Weinberg ’02)
Denyse Baker (McCormick ’87)
Zachary Moy (Weinberg ’11)
Dana Schwartz (Communication ’01)
Katherine M. Broach (Medill ’02)
Maxine Mitchell (Weinberg ’71)
Belinda Monahan (Weinberg ’00)
Sherrill Smith (Communication ’73)
Cory Haala (Weinberg ’12)
Daniel Padilla (Weinberg, Bienen ’97)
Rod Hart (Weinberg ’94)
James Faber (Medill ’00)
Sandra Taylor (Weinberg ’88)
Jeffrey Shepard (Weinberg ’77)
Scott Sublett (Communication ’77)
Dianna H. English (SESP ’04)
Llora Kendell Wonder (Communication ’81)
Shannon Mayers (Communication ’88)
Ryan Gillen (Communication ’00)
Juleigh Nowinski Konchak (SESP ’03, Feinberg ’16)
Robin Faerber (Communication ’94)
Gail Perlow Taback (Weinberg ’73)
Andrew Yankech (Weinberg ’02)
Sara O’Daffer Marberry (Communication ’81)
Gregory Keith McGillivary (Weinberg ’79)
Patrick Keenan-Devlin (Weinberg, Bienen ’06)
Jen Bender (Communication ’01)
Jenny Gavacs (Medill ’00)
Robert Ryan Wallace (Communication ’87)
Kathleen Sills (Communication ’81)
Heidi J. (Hogrefe) Sproull (Communication ’87)
Glenn Eric Sproull (Bienen ’87)
Chuck Remsberg (Medill ’58, ’59)
James Tai (McCormick ’99)
Chris Sayer (Weinberg ’88)
Jeff Jewett (Weinberg ’00)
Andrew Hoeveler (Communication ’96)
Julie Bannester (Medill ’01)
Kristy Deischer-Eddy (Communication ’93)
Rita Hirami (Weinberg ’17)
Zach McArthur (SESP ’17)
Erik Swanson (Communication ’03)
Ilyse Robbins Mohr (Communication ’89)
Jake Daniels (Communication ’19)
Matthew Present (Weinberg ’08)
Alexis McLuster Holdman (SESP ’72)
Ruth Gleicher (SESP ’94)
Carl Vogel (Weinberg ’88)
Laurel Schlabaugh (Weinberg ’68)
George Brant (Communication ’91)
Timothy Ereneta (Communication ’89)
Gabriella Santinelli (Communication ’93)
Christopher Wieland (Medill ’94)
Ann Stringer (Communication ’92)
Sara Butler McGovern (Bienen ’81)
Tom McGrath (Communication ’03)
Elizabeth Granger (Medill ’09)
Thomas Kane (Communication ’89)
Ivan Meyers (Communication ’01)
Kimberly D. Davis (Medill ’96)
James Brian Joyce (TGS ’05)
Kellie MacDonald Freeze (Communication ’00)
Mark Jeffrey Lamos (Communication ’69)
Paul Lucas Mennella (Weinberg ’07)
Jess Reber (Communication ’09 SPS ’15)
Blair Schwab (SESP ’08)
Alexandra Sims-Jones (SESP ’10)
Daniel Foster (Communication ’08)
Jane Andrews (Weinberg ’05)
Jaclyn Sumner (Weinberg ’05)
Alice Frazier (Communication ’82, Kellogg ’84)
Renee Boulton Dunn (McCormick ’81, Kellogg ’83)
Uduak Udofia (McCormick ’81)
Martiné (Marty) R. Dunn (Communication ’81)
Jeffrey Sterling (Weinberg ’85)
Jennifer A. Adair (Weinberg ’02)
Brantley Pruitt (Weinberg ’11)
Karl C. Ross (Weinberg ’81)
Endia Jones Lindo (Communication ’98)
Michelle Smith Scott (Communication ’90)
Patricia Jones Blessman (SESP ’78)
Adam Montgomery (Weinberg ’21)
Christopher S Williams (Weinberg ’85, Feinberg ’92)
Celestine Caldwell (SESP ’99)
Valena Sibley (Weinberg ’88)
Deontae Moode (Medill ’14)
Julius R Ellis (Weinberg ’86, Feinberg ’92)
Keisha Slaughter (McCormick ’00)
Leah Stevenson Montez (Communication ’86)
Millicent Renée Brown Fauntleroy (Medill ’70, ’71)
Michelle Boyd (Communication ’17)
Nathaniel Whitmal (McCormick ’93, ’97)
Lori Hayes Shaw (Weinberg ’89)
Esther Young (Weinberg ’04)
Philip M. Neely (McCormick ’85)
Jonathan Knowles (McCormick ’14)
Adrienne Bitoy Jackson (Weinberg ’73)
Lucille Vera Morris Tomlinson (Weinberg ’87)
Russell Jackson (Weinberg ’73)
Jocelyn Prince (Communication ’09)
Donald Prentiss (Weinberg ’87)
Nancy Fru (Communication ’10)
Herbert Taylor (Weinberg ’78)
Bishop Kenneth Perry (Communication ’74)
Alexandria Paul (Communication ’14)
Preston Cropp (Weinberg ’78)
Yvonne Wilson (Weinberg ’74)
Kamila Hines Muhammad (Bienen ’16)
Chenessa Roberson (Weinberg ’77, Kellogg ’85)
Daphnia Hill (Weinberg ’00)
Kenya Key (SESP ’97, ’00)
Zoanne Clack (Communication ’90)
Jeniece Morrison (SESP ’09, ’20)
Debra P. Evans (McCormick ’79)
Joyce E. Kilgore (Weinberg ’76)
Jennifer Perkins (SESP ’92)
Marianne Jackson (Weinberg ’70)
Alyce Karen Buchanan (Communication ’84, ’88)
Cara M. Everett (Communication ’87)
Cassandra Wanzo (Weinberg ’73)
Stephanie (Donald) Murray (McCormick ’86)
Jennifer Taylor-Dorris (SESP ’93)
Yvette Selby (McCormick ’92)
Carol Widemon (Weinberg ’75)
Dwight C James II (SESP ’92)
Deborah Dillon (Communication ’73)
Marilyn Griffin (McCormick ’98)
Bobby Jackson (Communication ’94)
Kevin Brown (Weinberg ’85)
Mary Okematti (Weinberg ’21, Feinberg ’22)
Angela G. Twillie (Weinberg ’85)
Andrea Cook (Communication ’02)
Syreeta L. Carrington (Weinberg ’97)
Anthony Armstrong (Weinberg ’93)
Keith Dennis (Communication ’83)
Maria LaMothe (Weinberg ’86)
Gregory Neal (McCormick ’01)
Deborah Douglas (Medill ’88)
Craig M. Garrett (McCormick ’95)
Courtney Stewart (Communication ’03)
Elizabeth Whittaker-Walker (SESP ’03)
Robert B. Dixon (Weinberg ’94)
Debra Ann Blade (Communication ’79)
Kha Thomas McDonald (Communication ’79)
Pamela Regina Sharpe (Weinberg ’78)
Steve Bogan (SESP ’83)
Walt Lopez (McCormick ’96, Kellogg ’04)
Audrey Williams-Lee (McCormick ’86)
Jonica Witherspoon (Weinberg ’04)
Jimmie Sanders (SESP ’97)
Charles Talbert (SPS ’80)
Vincent Williams (Weinberg ’82)
Helen Harris (Weinberg ’85)
Joe Ed Bratcher (Communication ’69)
Veronica Woods (Weinberg ’94)
Rochelle Evans (Weinberg ’89)
Gail Riley Kenney (Weinberg ’79)
Kat Griffin (Medill ’99)
Pamela Mitchell (SESP ’90)
LaToscia R. James (McCormick ’96)
Nneka Rimmer (Pritzker, Kellogg ’01)
Patricia J. Harris (McCormick ’87)
Glynis James-Watson (Communication ’89)
Lisa Jackson (Communication ’81)
Beverly Munro (Communication ’73)
Walter Owens (Bienen ’84)
Tina Pickett-Baisden (Weinberg ’85)
Juaquita E. Jackson (Communication ’70)
Marcyline Lucious Bailey (Weinberg ’82)
Antonio Daniels (McCormick ’93, Kellogg ’15)
Heather Harding (Medill ’92)
Nishea Clark (Medill ’96, Kellogg ’02)
Allyson Cressie Talbert (Communication ’80)
Shannon K. Moorer (Weinberg ’88)
Stephanie Ford (Weinberg ’85)
Kathryn Karnaze (Medill ’19)
Tracy Gray Fields (McCormick ’89)
Gia L. Graves (SESP ’98)
Kendrick Washington II (Pritzker ’10)
Mark C Evers (McCormick ’88)
Eser Ozdeger (Weinberg ’89)
John Macdonald (Communication ’85)
Wayne Forde (McCormick ’85)
Michelle Grant (Weinberg ’93)
Lisa Burrows (Bienen ’83)
Daryl Newell (Weinberg ’86, Kellogg ’07)
John Trimble (McCormick ’71)
Sarah Lipton-Lubet (Weinberg ’02)
Max Kliman (Communication ’19)
Christina Morton (Bienen ’83)
Mark Arnett (Weinberg ’85, Feinberg ’99)
Dorothy J. Harrell (SESP ’71)
Marcus A. Payne (McCormick ’87, Kellogg ’93)
Carla Jones (Communication ’07)
Eric Mitchell (SESP ’97)
Bridgette Cartwright Arnett (Weinberg ’87)
Rani Dasi (McCormick ’93)
Janice Island (Communication ’93)
Rodney Eric Garner (Weinberg ’88)
Traci Grant (Medill ’93)
Roosevelt Groves (McCormick ’83, Kellogg ’90)
Ashanti Madlock Henderson (Communication ’01)
Rodney Haynes (McCormick ’89)
Wendelyn Mitchell Gill (Weinberg ’90)
Ryan K. Robertson (Weinberg ’94)
Neely Carpenter McElroy (SESP ’90)
Esther Jenkins (Weinberg ’72)
H. Harvette Nelson (’71)
Michelle Story (Weinberg ’92)
Wardell K. Minor (SESP ’05)
Lorie Maiden (Weinberg ’87)
Jennifer Rose (Communication ’84)
Patricia McCraven (Communication ’83)
Byron G. Lee (McCormick ’85)
Kevin O’Brien (Medill ’87)
Linda Richardson Evers (Communication ’88)
Kathryn Ogletree (Weinberg ’71, TGS ’76)
Adrienne M Petty (Medill ’93)
Lotti Pharriss Knowles (Communication ’92)
Andrew Farwig (Weinberg ’02)
Darrell Winston Hill (Kellogg ’01)
Daphne Sajous-Brady (Communication ’95, ’96, ’12)
Diona Lewis (SESP ’99)
Jonathan Washer (Communication ’03)
Boris Prentiss (Weinberg ’91)
Corey Winchester (SESP ’10, 20)
Marguerita Walker (Communication ’90)
Angela Townsend (Weinberg ’91)
Cheryl Thomas Strickland (SESP ’77)
Lisa Elliott (Communication ’90)
Kimberly Austin (Medill ’02)
Jean Beaman (Weinberg ’02, 11)
Anthony Strickland (Weinberg ’84)
Dezmond Bernard Sumter (SESP ’04)
Julie Heintzelman (SESP ’02)
Lynette Boone (Medill ’79)
Steven J Harper (Weinberg ’76)
Adrienne McGowan (SPS ’02)
Barbara Y. Phillips (Pritzker ’76)
Mayra Leyva (Weinberg ’07)
Kathy L. Harper, (Weinberg ’77, Communication ’79)
Arlette Johnson (SESP ’97)
Darryl Ashmore (SESP ’92)
Yvonne LaGrone (Weinberg ’84)
Alexis Bryant La Broi (Communication ’95)
Tobin Buckner (SESP ’92)
Karen Massey (Weinberg ’81)
Robert Andrew Moore (SPS ’88, Medill ’89)
Gretchen J. Bruce (Weinberg ’76)
Emily Goligoski (Medill ’06)
Lauren Alexander (Medill ’10)
James P. Pitts (Weinberg ’65, ’68, ’71)
Brooke Gamble (Communication ’90)
Debra Jennings (Weinberg ’79)
Adrianne Hayward (Medill ’71, 72)
Stephanie Bradley Smith (Weinberg ’79, Medill ’80)
Karin M. Norington-Reaves (Weinberg ’91)
Candace M. Carter (Weinberg ’11)
Peter Henderson (Weinberg ’93)
Lynn David Irby (SESP ’80, Kellogg ’82)
Kisha Rhyne Clayton (Weinberg ’92)
Charles Taylor (Bienen ’04)
Camielle Taylor (SESP ’13)
Juliana Singleton (SESP ’13)
Nsenga Burton (Communication ’94)
Cynthia Clark Satterfield (Weinberg ’80, Kellogg ’86)
Tonya M. Evans (Communication ’91)
Raven Johnson (SESP ’16)
Brandon Brooks (Weinberg ’04)
Roderic Montrece (SESP ’98)
Lamont Cranston Strong (Pritzker ’75)
Nicole Michelle Wesley (SESP ’96)
David Jackson (Communication ’78)
Frank Boudreaux Jr. (SESP ’93)
Lori Gillis (McCormick ’80)
Sterling Williams (Weinberg ’08; Communication ’09; Kellogg, Pritzker ’16)
Kristin Conn (Communication ’88)
Michelle Rider (Kellogg ’93)
Harvey Henderson (McCormick ’88)
Arthur James Aaron (Weinberg ’85)
Vernon P. Nickerson (McCormick ’81)
Liliahn Majeed (Kellogg ’05)
Joseph Warren (McCormick ’77)
Velma Taylor (Weinberg ’75)
Cara Harvey (Weinberg ’02)
Annie Ruth Leslie (Weinberg ’74, ’83)
Debra Mittleman (Kellogg ’92)
Mark Crain (Weinberg ’09)
Randolph Staten (’86)
James Bernard Short (Weinberg ’85)
William R. Grant, IV (Communication ’92, ’02)
Eric L. Hinton (Bienen ’85, ’88)
Sidney Hill (Medill ’78, ’82)
Barbara Sledd Gardner (Weinberg ’76)
Ireti Olowe (McCormick ’99)
Sandra Walton Bowens (Pritzker ’81)
Titus K. Hughes (Weinberg ’86)
Janice Williams Miller (Weinberg ’88)
Kafi Laramore-Josey (SESP ’98)
Cleyana Mayweather (Communication ’10)
Rohan Gardner (McCormick ’95, ’96)
Imari Love (Kellogg ’01)
Brenda Eatman Aghahowa (Medill ’79, ’80)
Shirley Crabbe (Bienen ’85)
Audrey Hinton (Weinberg ’69)
Terraia Lee, (McCormick ’12)
Jeanette Conrad-Ellis (Weinberg ’88)
Neil Stewart (McCormick ’92, Kellogg ’02)
Rhonda Jackson Mitchell (Communication ’82)
LeJamiel Goodall (Communication ’03)
Qamara Edwards (Communication ’02)
Harry Craan (McCormick ’87)
Kasandra Pantoja (Weinberg ’94)
Phillip Dawes (McCormick, Kellogg ’99)
Tondra L. Loder-Jackson (SESP ’02)
Stephanie Cox-Batson (Weinberg ’89, Feinberg ’98)
Laura Murray Richards (Medill ’71)
LaRitza Crear (McCormick ’88)
Paul D. Ashley (McCormick ’91)
Jonathan S. Quinn (Pritzker ’85)
Bailey Ellis (Weinberg ’19)
Audrey R. SandersSmith (SESP ’78)
Mia K. Fleming (SPS ’98)
Jonathan Bragg (McCormick ’10)
Derrick Ford (Weinberg ’83)
Diana Solomon-Glover (Communication ’79)
Bethany Criss (Weinberg ’05)
James Pitts (Kellogg ’95)
Edward Miller (Kellogg ’93)
Sherri L. Miller (Weinberg ’87)
Mark I. Randall (Kellogg ’00)
Amanda Holman (SESP ’00)
Patricia J. Mosley (Medill ’79, Kellogg ’81)
Monavati Desai-Thalji (Weinberg ’91)
Antonio Ransom (McCormick ’90)
Erika Sanders Ransom (SESP ’02, ’05)
Marvin Franklin Irby (Weinberg ’82, Kellogg ’84)
Oluwafikayomi Fagbemi (Weinberg ’23)
Ronald Berler (Communication ’71)
Mary Sulmers Newton (Communication ’76)
Ellen J. Kleinerman (Medill ’76)
Trudy Williams (Weinberg ’87)
Lisa K. Robertson (Weinberg ’80)
Natalie Kayani (Weinberg ’91)
Babatunde Oloyede (SESP ’98)
Ann Yaspan (Weinberg ’79)
Karen M. Turner (Pritzker ’79)
Kamaryn Johnson (Communication ’22)
Keeana Barber (SESP ’04)
Clyde E. Henderson (McCormick ’73)
Benay Gilmore Dabney (Weinberg ’75)
J.A. Adande (Medill ’92)
Hazim Abdullah-Smith (Weinberg ’16)
Kimberley Rudd (Medill ’88)
Lawanda Young (McCormick ’86)
Vincent Fayne (McCormick ’78)
Gail Towns (Medill ’91)
Veda Parham (Weinberg ’80)
Crystal Walker Bailey (Weinberg ’87)
Whitney Jordan (Weinberg ’10)
Gregory P Downs (Weinberg ’02)
Rhonda J. Summey (SESP ’93)
Anthony Fernandez (Weinberg ’81)
Terry Kazan Ray (Pritzker ’75)
John Slaughter (Weinberg ’71)
Jason Brown (McCormick ’02)
Kecia Ellis Bobbitt (McCormick ’87)
Dominique Price (Weinberg ’05)
Margot Vance (SESP ’88)
Mya Hinton (WCAS ’91)
Lisa C. Montgomery (Communication ’82)
Sonya Grier (Weinberg ’87, Kellogg ’91, ’96)
Warren Lawson (Weinberg ’76)
Henry J. Gaskins Jr. (Kellogg ’93)
Adrienne Camille Moore (Weinberg ’03)
Donald Matty (Communication ’74, ’75)
Seth Cotlar (Weinberg ’01)
McKenna Rowe (Communication ’93)
Sneh Naik (Medill ’09)
Sierra L. Boone (Medill ’17)
Aaron Sheehan-Dean (Weinberg ’92)
Donald Jackson (Communication ’65)
Jeffrey West (Weinberg ’88)
Dominic Henry (SPS ’96)
Brendesha Tynes (SESP ’01)
Theresa Youngblood (Weinberg ’86)
Veronica Ann Williams (Kellogg ’79)
Leslie Wiley (McCormick ’79)
Emily Raymond (WCAS ’10)
Timothyna Duncan (Medill ’16)
Linnette Hill (SPS ’91)
Tiarra Medley (Communication ’10)
Michele Tuck-Ponder (Medill ’80)
J. Kent Walker (Kellogg ’92)
April Peters (SESP ’93)
Kerease Epps (SESP ’13)
Dawn Bailey (Medill ’99)
Bonnie Typlin (Weinberg ’70, Feinberg ’74)
Mavis D. Ivy (Communication ’74)
Jean Marie Brown (Medill ’86)
Jocklyn N. Smith (WCAS ’71)
Dwayne A. Morris (Pritzker ’84)
Ginger Campbell (Kellogg ’86)
Jennifer Crystal Foley (Communication ’94)
Jeffrey A. Linder (Weinberg ’92, Feinberg ’97)
Tom Moore (Kellogg ’86)
Gloria Cox (Kellogg ’87)
Cynthia K. Bradford (Weinberg ’77)
Kirsten Nelson (Communication ’92)
Joshua Weinberg (Weinberg ’92)
Laurie McCants (Communication ’75)
Grady White (McCormick ’85)
Alec Morris (SESP ’90)
Nancy Greystone (Communication ’79)
Tieshka K. Smith (Weinberg ’93)
Carey Graeber (Communication ’75)
Keith Calabrese (Weinberg ’92)
Leslie Rae Sutphen (Kellogg ’83)
Oveda Brown (Communication ’90)
Eshe N. Pickett (McCormick ’02)
Paul Jensen (Communication ’90)
Sean T. Carter (Pritzker ’96)
Danita Rucker (McCormick ’84)
William E. Whitlow (Kellogg ’83)
Jerry Greenberg (Communication ’69)
Russell Dawson (McCormick ’03)
Monica Rozelle (McCormick ’88)
Charles Covington (Weinberg ’70)
Frederica D. Coleman (Bienen ’85, ’89)
Carol J. Tienken (Weinberg ’79, Medill ’80)
Catherine Shaker Breit (Communication ’78)
Marrion Johnson, Jr. (Communication ’11)
Frank Warren (Kellogg ’98)
Susan Lawson (Weinberg ’79)
Lauryn McGee (Weinberg ’03)
Judy Belk (Communication ’75)
Arianna Stern (Weinberg ’10)
Daniel H. Forer (Medill ’79)
Candy Kaelin Deemer (Medill ’76, ’77)
Angela Washington Davis (Weinberg ’89)
Earline Zealey Jacques (Communication ’75)
Margaret H. Henoch (Weinberg ’75)
Jeff Goldman (Feinberg ’94)
Aliyah N. Carlo (McCormick ’16)
Tyler Gould (Communication ’19)
Jyoti Jain (Weinberg ’02)
Joseph (Joe) T. Garrity (Medill ’73, ’74)
Kimberly Williams-Paisley (Communication ’93)
Steve Koenigsberg (Weinberg ’92)
James Poznak (Weinberg ’75)
Michael Reddick (McCormick ’13)
Lauren Lo Harris (Medill ’18)
Basil Clunie (Kellogg ’86)
Leslie Gray (Weinberg ’92)
Derek Gaskins (Kellogg ’98)
Moses Khisa (Weinberg ’13,’16)
James Oberlander (Communication ’95)
Jade Stanfield (Weinberg ’09)
Andrew Needham (Weinberg ’93)
Hermann Mazard (Kellogg ’96)
Marissa Jackson Sow (Weinberg ’06)
Kate Puhala (Medill ’08)
James Lilton Bobbitt, II (McCormick ’85)
Mark R. Thompson (Weinberg ’71, SESP ’72)
John Doherty (Weinberg ’91)
Derrick Blakley (Medill ’75)
Heidi (Hogrefe) Sproull (Communication ’87)
Erin Baker (Communication ’02)
Heather Allyn Nagle (Communication ’93)
Valerie Wilson (Weinberg ’93)
Elisabeth Ritter (Weinberg ’91)
Harry Althaus (Communication ’84)
Jerry Saslow (Communication ’88)
Tanya Rodgers (Communication ’98, Feinberg ’02)
Amy Breese (Weinberg ’81)
Shanté Gordon (McCormick ’98)
Paul Romanak (Weinberg ’71)
Michael McMurray (Weinberg ’86)
Laina Zarek Durbin (Medill ’01)
Undray Wilks (Weinberg ’84)
Katherine Nero (Weinberg ’85, Communication ’89)
Yvonne Ankrah (McCormick ’96)
Kristie Norwood (SESP ’95)
Linny A. Bailey (Weinberg ’81)
Lisa Diana Shapiro (Communication ’84)
James St. Leger (McCormick ‘93, Kellogg ’93)
Christyn Freemon (Weinberg ’04)
Dena Dodd Perry (McCormick ’90, Kellogg ’95)
Alvin Chow (McCormick ’84, Kellogg ’94)
Carol Henry (Kellogg ’00)
Clarence W. Brown III, (Weinberg ’98)
Tasha Burke-Peart (SPS ‘01)
Sheryl Guda Williams (Communication ’81)
Kristyn Armour (Weinberg ’09)
Jennifer Bobbitt (Weinberg ’12)
Doyt Conn Jr. (Communication ’89)
Gregory Derek Lennon (Communication ’86)
Melvia Bailey Green (SESP ’75)
Margaret Dixon Harrell (McCormick ’84, Kellogg ’92)
Peggy Yu (Communication ’02)
Vernon Prince Jr. (Communication ’82)
Yves Champagne (Weinberg ’70)
Carmen Hudson (SPS ’98)
Wendell Blair Jr. (Weinberg ’82, Communication ’98)
Rodney Thrash (Medill ’02)
Sloan Grenz (Communication ’04)
Pooja Rani Bhatia (Weinberg ’06)
Elizabeth Kimball (Communication ’06)
Elizabeth Kirkpatrick (Bienen ’03)
Heather Nelson (Weinberg ’97)
Charlene McNary (McCormick ’89)
Emily Casaclang (Communication ’24)
Ava Thompson Greenwell (Medill ’84, ’14, Weinberg ’14)
Kimberly Pitcher-Crago (Communication ’98)
Courtney Jacobovits (Weinberg ’09)
Tamara Lee (McCormick ’96)
Nathaniel Curry (Weinberg ’83)
Daphne G. McCoy (Weinberg ’75)
Olenga Anabui (SESP ’90)
Larry McCoy (Weinberg ’74)
Carla F. Chennault (Communication ’86)
Neha Reddy (Weinberg ’16)
Diane Knoepke (Weinberg ’00, SESP ’16)
Carolyn Silvers (Communication ’84)
Michael L. Strickland (McCormick ‘87)
Leah Budu (McCormick ‘92)
Veronica Hancock-Curry (Weinberg ’91)
Michael McDonnell (Weinberg ’71)
Sabrina Strand (Medill ’04)
Sheetal Prajapati (Weinberg ’02)
Celia A. Berry (McCormick ’80)
Wendy-Jo Toyama (Kellogg ’92)
Amanda Kleintop (Weinberg ’13, ’18)
Dante Robinson (Weinberg ’17)
Brian L. Ponder (Weinberg ’00)
John Haas (Bienen ’04)
Michael Blake (Medill ’04)
Melinda Mitchell Moore (Medill ’88)
Obumneme Osele (McCormick ’21)
Daemon Jones (Weinberg ’92)
Monica Carmean (Weinberg ’07)
Sarah J. Holden (Communication ’91)
Juliet Teixeira (Weinberg ’78)
Anthony E. Tomaso Jr. (Communication ’04)
Jason Liu (Weinberg ’06)
Gerald A. Smith (Weinberg ’76)
Sandra Berjan (Weinberg ’19)
Marcus Mason (Communication ’09)
Marci Koblenz Cornblath (Communication ’80)
Daniel Joseph Weinrib (Medill ’92)
AnnMarie Wright Whitley (McCormick ’92)
Andrea Peterman (Bienen ’93)
Laurie Merrell (McCormick ’20)
Samantha Luks (Weinberg ’92)
Thianita Paige Brown (Weinberg ’95)
Marina Bowsher (Pritzker ’98)
Alice Keimweiss (Weinberg ’92)
Carol A. Rudisell (Weinberg ’74)
Michele Benae Bush (Weinberg ’77, Pritzer ’80)
Jessica Schwalb (Weinberg ’19)
Julie Liu (Weinberg ’92)
Laila Francis (Weinberg ’19)
Becky Brett (Communication ’92)
Stephen Beitler (Weinberg ’70)
Donna C. Knabe (Weinberg ’75)
Charis Marquez (Kellogg ’11)
Adegoke Steve Colson (Bienen ’73)
Lauren Louise Romero (Johnson) (Communication ’05)
Julian N. Romero (Weinberg ’05)
Morgan Johnson (Communication ’11)
Angela Bracken (Weinberg ’99)
Geralyn Polk (McCormick ’83)
Keith E. Flippin (Communication ’79)
Kristin Mihelic (Weinberg ’92)
Chad Galer (McCormick ’92)
Charles Flippen, II (Weinberg ’87)
Maxwell Wilson (Communication ’10)
Morey Allen Ganaway (McCormick ’87, Kellogg ’95)
Rashayla Marie Brown (Communication ’18)
Cindy Klipfel (Weinberg ’92)
Jasmyne McDonald (Communication ’12)
Keith Cruise (Weinberg ’85)
Cheryl Simon (SESP ’92,’95)
Dervette Metellus (Weinberg ’95)
Jane K. White (Medill ’92, ’95)
Leslie Dolland (Communication ’03)
Sabrina Kendrick (Weinberg ’86, Feinberg ’95)
Janella Watson (Weinberg ’03)
ReLisa Mitchell (Weinberg ’88)
Anita R. Cruise (Communication ’84)
Tara Gay (Weinberg ’86)
Elizabeth Kerrigan (McCormick ’19)
Abby Wolbe Dan (Weinberg ’05)
Vanessa Monroe (McCormick ’86)
Joseph B. Morton, III (Weinberg ’84)
Leigh Soares (Weinberg ’13, ’19)
Heidi Villhauer Hannula (SESP ’92)
Elizabeth Meister (Communication ’92)
Isabella Soto (Medill ’19)
Megan McPherson (SESP ’15)
Stephanie Fagin Jones, (Communication ’92)
Diane (Bowden) Sales (Medill ’02)
Paul Wilson (Weinberg ’82)
Karen Fernandez (Communication ’92, ’94)
Adrienne Ray (Weinberg ’81)
Rachel Silverstein (Weinberg ’19)
Thomas Diamond (Weinberg ’73)
Andrea Stenberger (Weinberg ’92)
Caroline Paulison Andrew (Weinberg ’92)
Diane Hartz Saucier (Weinberg ’92)
Janet Oakley Huggins (Weinberg ’75)
Tyronza L. Bailey-Walton (Weinberg ’97)
Jonathan R. Jackson (Weinberg ’92)
Juliana M. Nocker (Medill ’92)
Molly Shriver (Weinberg ’92)
George Geiger (SPS ’12, Communication ’19)
Anissa Paulsen (Weinberg ’92)
Kristin Kerbel Faber (Weinberg ’92)
Heather Kenny (Weinberg ’92)
Gladys Shawn Cooper (Kellogg ’97)
Calita Robinson (Weinberg ’89)
Glen Cornblath (Weinberg ’80)
Stephanie Faris (Communication ’04)
Carissa Casbon (Bienen ’92)
Laura F. Edwards (Weinberg ’85)
Rebecca Fudge (Weinberg ’19)
Valerie Vinyard (Medill ’92, ’93)
Amy Rubin (Weinberg ’91)
Dion Crushshon (Weinberg ’92)
James L. Bobbitt, III (SESP ’14)
Clay Munnerlyn (Attended 1977-1980)
Mary Schraufnagel (Weinberg ’74)
Ronald Bullock (McCormick ’77, Kellogg ’81)
Pamela Mason (Weinberg ’89)
Ayton Taylor (Weinberg ’86)
Martina O’Neal (McCormick ’90)
Kumasi Vines (Weinberg ’00)
Daniel Fernandez (Medill ’19)
Deepa Purohit (Weinberg ’92)
Jennifer King (Medill ’92)
Lawrence Lewandowski (Weinberg ’73)
Debra Avant Bell Hill (SESP ’71, ’72)
Tia Miller (McCormick ’03)
Charles Bolinger, III (Weinberg ’86)
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