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A group of people walk down a street holding signs.

Captured: Evanston’s 2023 Pro-Choice Rally and March


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Around 100 people assembled at Raymond Park Sunday afternoon for a pro-abortion-rights rally. Following speeches from various guest speakers, including Rep. Jan Schakowsky (IL-9) and Evanston Mayor Daniel Biss, the group marched through downtown Evanston and a portion of the Northwestern campus before returning to Raymond Park.

A person with a tote bag holds a sign in front of their face.
Micah Sandy/The Daily Northwestern
People mingle around tents in a field.
Micah Sandy/The Daily Northwestern
A group of people circle around a person under a tent speaking.
Micah Sandy/The Daily Northwestern
A person wearing pink stands in the middle of a group of people holding a sign up with two hands.
Micah Sandy/The Daily Northwestern
A person facing away from the camera holds up a paper sign with clothes hangers as handles.
Micah Sandy/The Daily Northwestern
A person in a suit replaces another person at the microphone.
Micah Sandy/The Daily Northwestern
A person speaks into a microphone next to a pink sign.
Micah Sandy/The Daily Northwestern
A person wearing a red dress speaks into a microphone.
Micah Sandy/The Daily Northwestern
A person wearing a pink baseball cap speaks into a megaphone.
Micah Sandy/The Daily Northwestern
People walk with signs while a person with a megaphone walks behind them.
Micah Sandy/The Daily Northwestern
A person wearing a hat holds a sign in front of them.
Micah Sandy/The Daily Northwestern
A crowd of people of varied ages walk with signs.
Micah Sandy/The Daily Northwestern
Two people hold signs in front of them.
Micah Sandy/The Daily Northwestern
A person wearing glasses holds a yellow sign in front of them.
Micah Sandy/The Daily Northwestern
A person holds a white sign.
Micah Sandy/The Daily Northwestern
A person wearing pink and blue holds up a pink sign.
Micah Sandy/The Daily Northwestern
Micah Sandy/The Daily Northwestern
Micah Sandy/The Daily Northwestern
Micah Sandy/The Daily Northwestern




Twitter: @TheMicahSandy

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