A year and a half into his tenure, University President Michael Schill has been tasked with leading Northwestern through a controversial hazing scandal in the athletics department, the end of affirmative...
In June 2022, Northwestern Law student Alicia Crawford took over as president of the Pritzker School of Law’s Student Bar Association — the organization that serves as a liaison between the student...
Pritzker Prof. Philip Postlewaite has filed a federal lawsuit against Northwestern, alleging the law school has engaged in discriminatory compensation practices based on his age.
Postlewaite, 78, filed...
In the 10 days since Israel declared war on Hamas following the militant group’s surprise attack against Israel, several deans and faculty members of Northwestern’s undergraduate and graduate schools...
Sherrese Smith (Pritzker ’96) will deliver the Pritzker School of Law’s convocation address to the class of 2023 on Friday at the Chicago Theatre, according to a University news release.