I like the cold. Hot weather really bothers me. So when I cannot open the window in my ivory tower apartment to stay cool because it’s so damn loud, I get pissed. And the absurd thing is, I’m not talking about students, little kids or even sirens.
My problem is the Evanston homeless and what I will call Bum Fights. Downtown Evanston is full of panhandlers who beg students and residents for money. But seriously, it’s cold and there are shelters, why can’t you go there?
Why do you insist on screaming for minutes on end about nothing? When I hear yelling, I want there to be either a huge brawl or a coherent argument.
At night, I know Northwestern students can be loud and proud walking back from the Keg or Hundo, but the bums stay in one place and yell at one another for extended periods of time. At least the students generally move on and don’t scream during the day as well. Plus, the students’ noise usually involves some comic relief.
So stop shouting, get a job and if you have to yell, please go do it next to Mary Desler’s office.
It’s not just my cold-weather peace I am worried about, it’s a brewing problem that Evanston has yet to tackle. Call me a cold-hearted individual, but I can’t wait for the first Arctic Freeze to blow in from Hudson Bay and make my apartment quiet again.
-BRIAN REGANAssistant Sports Editor