Everywhere students are crying out for learning and culture. But we also seek parties and outlets for youthful exuberance. The contradiction therein has become so obvious throughout our time here. It is so clearly manifested in our ASG’s present difficulties in determining the nature of the “winter Dillo Day” it is charged with planning, that one may be forgiven for confusing that two desires as opposites. Shall we enjoy ourselves, or shall we learn? Certainly we cannot do both.
But can we?
We are smart. We are interested in learning about our world. But we would like to have a good time while we’re at it. These three statements, I venture to suggest, encapsulate a feeling, an attitude and a problem not seldom encountered by every NU student during their time here.
I have some good news for you all: this division is not so impassable, things need not seem so problematic. For behold, Barack Obama is throwing us a party.
Thousands, probably hundreds of thousands, will gather on Election Day this Tuesday in Chicago’s Grant Park to celebrate as the greatest leader of our generation ascends to the highest position of power in the world. Come, and you will take away a memory from college that unites both your basest temporal instincts: -the want of a good time and your most laudable proclivity, the will towards political participation – in one evening of harmonious, joyful merriment.
You will each feel more connected to Chicago then ever before. Those of you utterly disinterested in politics will nevertheless have the opportunity to celebrate alongside a crowd larger than any found in a downtown club, concert hall or football stadium. And all while being viewed by a worldwide television audience. It will be one hell of a party. A political party, to be sure, in the best (if not the truest) sense of the term, but a party nonetheless. Hope to see you all there.
-JACOB WERTZSESP seniorCo-President, Northwestern Political Union