Community members of all ages shared stories about family, food and legacy at One Book One Northwestern’s annual intergenerational storytelling event Tuesday. The conversation centered around themes...
In “Noah at the Table,” Max Kahn explores the complexities of family, identity and love through a lithograph of a young boy having a meal. The tactile and colorful elements offer a playful perspective...
Close to 1000 audience members crowded into Cahn Auditorium Wednesday evening to listen to author and musical artist Michelle Zauner’s One Book Keynote.
Zauner is the lead vocalist for Grammy-nominated...
The Block Museum held a virtual talk Thursday on Roland L. Freeman’s photograph “Combing Hair, Amoke Alayoe and Her Children, Silver Spring, Maryland, June 1978,” which explores love, family, identity...
Michelle Zauner’s “Crying in H Mart: A Memoir” is One Book One Northwestern’s 2023-24 selection, the program announced Monday.
Zauner’s memoir focuses on her struggles navigating her Korean...