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Northwestern University and Evanston's Only Daily News Source Since 1881

The Daily Northwestern

Northwestern University and Evanston's Only Daily News Source Since 1881

The Daily Northwestern

Northwestern University and Evanston's Only Daily News Source Since 1881

The Daily Northwestern

Weinberg junior Jessica Wang speaks in support of a resolution for Latinx and Asian American Studies departments. Wang and other members of the Latinx Asian American Collective attended Associated Student Government’s Wednesday Senate meeting.

ASG passes resolutions in support of departmental status, textbook affordability

February 21, 2018

Associated Student Government passed resolutions in support of textbook affordability and departmental status for Asian American Studies and Latina and Latino Studies in their Wednesday Senate meeting. The...

Senators Bassel Shanab and Emerson Carlson introduce a textbook affordability resolution at Wednesday’s Senate meeting. The resolution said the University should consider more affordable options for class materials.

Senators introduce resolution calling on administrators to create Latinx, Asian American studies departments

February 15, 2018

Associated Student Government senators introduced new resolutions to address textbook affordability and the creation of Latinx and Asian American studies departments during their Wednesday meeting. Senator...

Students attend a Wednesday teach-in hosted by the Latinx Asian American Collective. The Collective exceeded its 1,000-signature goal on a petition to create departments for the Latina and Latino Studies Program and the Asian American Studies Program.

Petition for Latinx, Asian American Studies departments exceeds goal after social media pushes

February 11, 2018

A petition to make the Latina and Latino Studies Program and the Asian American Studies Program departments has exceeded its goal of 1,000 signatures, after students and Associated Student Government showed...

Salvadoran writer talks relationships, identity at poetry performance

Salvadoran writer talks relationships, identity at poetry performance

February 9, 2018

When Los Angeles-born Salvadoran poet Yesika Salgado spoke and performed her work at Northwestern on Thursday, she said she was happy to see her fans from across Chicago gathering in Harris Hall. While...

Students at a teach-in hosted by the Latinx Asian American Collective play Kahoot as an introduction to their discussion. The Collective introduced a published proposal for the Latina and Latino Studies Program and the Asian American Studies Program to become departments within the University.

Teach-in held to discuss petition for new academic departments

February 7, 2018

The Latinx Asian American Collective held a teach-in Wednesday to introduce a published proposal for the Latina and Latino Studies Program and Asian American Studies Program to become academic departments....

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