1734 Sherman Ave., (847) 424-1321, starbucks.com
The new and expanded Starbucks at 1734 Sherman Ave. can not only connect you to your daily caffeine boost, but it can also hook you up with the best free Wi-Fi in Evanston. Internet connectivity comes free with your Frappuccino, and the new store is equipped with plenty of sitting space and lots of electric outlets, so you can plug in your laptop from almost anywhere in the store. In addition, the Wi-Fi, which doesn’t require a password, hooks you up with the Starbucks Digital Network, which links you to news, music and other Internet finds. For instance, if you’re looking to do a good deed, the Starbucks Digital Network allows you to sign a pledge to protect Michigan’s wolves, so you can enjoy a dose of slacktivism with your coffee. As an added bonus, the Internet connection passed the productivity test: Facebook and Netflix were both a little pokey in the store, increasing the likelihood of you reading Aristotle instead of watching Pretty Little Liars. – Ciara McCarthy