Buzz on campus hit a high as Mayfest Productions dropped this year’s first major Dillo Day announcement: the 2025 Dillo Day theme.
Carnival Dillo is the official theme for the Dillo Day festival set on May 17. While the musical performers have yet to be announced, on Monday, the Dillo Day Instagram page posted the awaited theme after teasing it through posts last week.
“Carnival opens many possibilities for us as Mayfest,” Co-Director of Promotions for Mayfest and McCormick junior Felipe Reis Maccari said. “I’m personally really excited to see the outfits that people will come up with.”
Dillo Day is the largest student-run music festival in the country. An important component of each year’s festival is the unique theme. Recent themes include Camp Dillo in 2024 and Planet Dillo in 2023.
The club began planning for the theme and announcement early Fall Quarter, and Maccari said that Carnival Dillo instantly stood out. The entire promotions team collaborated to make the final decision regarding the theme, he added.
“We did spend a really good amount of time with the theme, thinking about all the concerns and having a good discussion,” Maccari said. “That was something that I prioritized this year as co-director.”
Mayfest Productions also teamed up with Northwestern Dining for the announcement. Special carnival-themed food — such as funnel cakes and Italian ice — was offered at dining halls across campus during lunchtime on Monday, aligning with the Dillo Day theme drop.
Reactions from the NU community toward the 2025 Dillo Day theme varied. Weinberg freshman Lance Lesser expressed disappointment over the carnival theme choice for his first Dillo Day. “I’m not a fan,” Lesser said. “I’m not really sure how I’m supposed to show up in carnival theme, and I feel like there’s better themes that you could have.”
Mayfest Productions took into account students’ uncertainty over outfits. For the first time, the official Dillo Day merch was released on the same day as the theme, according to Maccari.
After the theme had been out for a few hours, the Dillo Day Instagram page announced that their merchandise was live. Sweatshirts, hats and T-shirts customized to the carnival theme are currently available for purchase.
“I know that people really care a lot about how they’re gonna dress up,” Maccari said. “We take that into consideration when choosing the theme.”
Lesser believes that there could be positive aspects of the Carnival Dillo theme. He suggested carnival foods and attractions on the Lakefill in addition to the musical performances of the day.
Communication junior Ella Waffner said she was satisfied with the Dillo Day theme choice. She said she preferred Carnival Dillo to Camp Dillo because this year’s theme allows for more versatile outfits.
“I feel like carnival gives you a little more room to play,” Waffner said. “I think it’s more fun, and it gives you more flexibility in what you can do.”
Read more about “Carnival Dillo” here.
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