The city of Evanston has about 700 employees — from standard municipal jobs like police officers and firefighters to those with distinctive titles like the city’s “Rodent Control Technician.”
Salaries and benefits for these employees are the biggest expenditure types in Evanston’s 2024 budget by a wide margin. The city budgeted over $88 million to pay its employees in 2024, accounting for 61.2% of total budgeted expenditures.
City Manager Luke Stowe is set to be Evanston’s highest-paid employee this year, making a total of $308,384 in total compensation. Other top earners include the city’s public works director, fire chief, police chief and high-ranking police officers.
Most elected officials, such as Mayor Daniel Biss and the nine members of City Council, are part-time employees. The mayor makes $25,317 annually and each councilmember receives a salary of $15,990.
The Daily compiled the searchable database below using a publicly available document with the salaries of all city employees who make over $75,000. It obtained the job titles of employees through a public records request.
The earnings amount encompasses the base salary of employees and additional work-related expenses. The benefits amount refers to the city’s contributions towards employees’ health and life insurance, as well as their retirement fund. Employees’ total compensation is the sum of the earnings and benefits amounts.
Twitter: @saullpink
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