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15 Minutes With: Ellen Campesinos!

Well, first of all, congratulations on finally arriving stateside. How was your stay in Britain?

Depressing, pretty depressing. We came back to Cardiff and unpacked. I thought that if we unpacked, we’d definitely get here. I was kind of hoping irony would enable us to fly. It was sad because we didn’t know if we were actually going to make it over here.How do the crowds differ in the UK and America?

Crowds in America are definitely a lot better. They’re a lot more excited and responsive. It seems like people are really grateful for you being there. People are just really friendly.How do you think you, as a band, have changed over the last four years?

We’ve all gotten older, a little dreary looking, can’t take our alcohol as much. Our memory is going-we can barely remember where we play. We’re less naïve. It’s still excitable-we’re still kicking ourselves, thinking how this happened. We’re still waiting for that moment where someone will go “It was all an elaborate joke!” We’re all definitely better musicians-that’s nice.How do you think older tracks (like “You! Me! Dancing!” from 2007’s “Sticking Fingers into Sockets” EP) are different from more recent tracks (like “The Sea is a Good Place to Think of the Future,” from this year’s “Romance is Boring”)?

(“You! Me! Dancing!”) is kind of an albatross for us. It’s the song most people know, but at the same time, it’s the song that got us kind of well known. They’re vastly different in terms of their themes and experiences, but at the same time, they both get really good reactions but very different reactions.How is the band dynamic?

(We’re) lucky to have so many different personalities. It means there is someone who brings something to all aspects of band existence, whether it be the more organized Campesinos! or the being-better-at-bear-hugs Campesinos! There is something for everyone.Is it more of a Partridge Family communion or a Ramones melee?

I guess it’s a mixture of Ramones and Partridge, because we like to have a little dance on stage and maybe have a drink, but we are also rather homely and dull and fond of early nights too.What characteristics best exemplify a Campesino!?

The ability to not take yourself too seriously, have a kind of go-with-the-flow attitude and to enjoy being silly as often as possible.

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15 Minutes With: Ellen Campesinos!