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Northwestern University and Evanston's Only Daily News Source Since 1881

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Northwestern University and Evanston's Only Daily News Source Since 1881

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University President Michael Schill addresses agreement with NU Divestment Coalition in message to NU community

Schill said he was proud of the Northwestern community for finding a “sustainable, deescalated path forward.”

University President Michael Schill released a video statement on the Monday agreement reached between the NU administration and pro-Palestinian activists after a five-day encampment on Deering Meadow. 

“I am proud of our community for achieving what has been a challenge across the country: a sustainable de-escalated path forward,” Schill said. 

In the agreement, Northwestern committed to reestablish the now inactive Advisory Committee on Investment Responsibility and answer questions from “internal stakeholders” about the University’s financial holdings. It also agreed to “provide and renovate a house for MENA/Muslim students” on campus and allow demonstrations to continue protests on Deering Meadow through June 1.

In exchange, demonstrators agreed to take down all tents except one and only use approved devices to project or amplify sound.

In his statement, Schill acknowledged incidents of antisemitism at the encampment over the past several days, citing a poster with a red slash through the Star of David and another of himself depicted with devil horns, an antisemitic trope that harkens back to medieval-era “blood libel” accusations against Jewish people.

He said these incidents should be “condemned by all of us,” and that it starts with him.

Schill added that issues of antisemitism are “personal” to him, sharing stories of his Jewish ancestors facing persecution in Poland and Russia before finally settling in Israel.

“I understand the hurt and worry felt by so many in our community,” Schill said in his statement. “Jewish students are feeling threatened and unsafe. Muslim and Palestinian students are feeling like their voices need to be heard. It can be difficult to find a path forward, but it is vital that we try.

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