News Quiz: Women’s volleyball, law school rankings and Association for Computing Machinery Fellowship

Jay Dugar, Newsroom Strategist



#1. Which Northwestern professor did the Association for Computing Machinery name an ACM Fellow?

#2. The Pritzker School of Law has opted out from U.S. News rankings. Which of the following law schools has not recently done the same?

#3. NU Women’s Volleyball recruited Julia Sangiacomo, a transfer student, as a new outside hitter. Which college did Sangiacomo come from?

#4. Employees of which nearby Starbucks location voted to unionize last Thursday?

#5. What was the final score in the men’s basketball game against Wisconsin?


Thank you for taking our news quiz! Before sharing your results, read up on Prof. Samir Khuller and the NU-Wisconsin Basketball Game.


Related Stories:

—  Computer science Prof. Samir Khuller named ACM Fellow

—  Faculty discuss Pritzker School of Law opting out from U.S. News rankings

—  Volleyball: Northwestern recruits Santa Clara University transfer Julia Sangiacomo as outside hitter