A guide to Northwestern’s religious spaces
While students have access to a variety of religious spaces on campus, there are also inclusive interfaith spaces where those of any or no spiritual tradition can bond and enjoy different activities.
August 12, 2022
Finding community can mean many different things at Northwestern. For some, it can be through faith and religious spaces. NU has a rich community of religious clubs, programs and physical spaces to which students can turn.
Places of worship, meditation and prayer
The Religious & Spiritual Center located on South Campus contains three main locations for worship, meditation and prayer. First, Alice Millar Chapel provides a quarterly schedule with services such as morning prayer and Palm Sunday worship. Concerts are also hosted in the space throughout the year. Jeanne Vail Chapel can also be used for worship. Lastly, Parkes Hall is a multipurpose space for events like large group prayers and receptions. It has multibelief and Muslim prayer spaces.
Norris University Center has a prayer room in the basement and a Muslim prayer space. There are also peaceful outdoor areas for meditation and prayer, like the Shakespeare Garden and the Lakefill.
Baha’i Faith
The Baha’i Club aims to unite NU students of all backgrounds to discuss deep life questions and serve the community. Discussions and services center around the Baha’i faith, but there are also bonding events for students to enjoy food and play games. The Baha’i House of Worship is located a mile north of campus.
OM at Northwestern is a student group that cultivates mindfulness of Hindu and Vedic culture through events and dialogue. It allows students to pray and hosts weekly Shravan sessions and special celebrations, including traditional performing arts and holiday events.
A community-oriented organization, the Muslim-cultural Students Association holds a series of traditional and social events such as Discover Islam Week and Ramadan dinners. McSA’s primary goal is to cultivate awareness of Islamic culture and create an environment of compassion. The association also hosts Friday Jummah prayer in Parkes Hall.
The Shia Muslim Association shapes comparative understandings of Shia Islam and other religions and Islamic denominations. The organization hosts lectures, workshops and symposia.
The Sikh Students Association works to create unity and educate Sikhs and non-Sikhs on religion and identity. It provides community service events for dedication to sera (service).
NU Hillel is a space for Jewish cultural and religious gatherings, holding weekly Shabbat services, Friday night dinner, holiday celebrations and other events where all students are welcome. Hillel also sponsors bonding events like brunches, coffee chats and an annual formal.
NU Chabad, part of the Tannenbaum Chabad House, serves as spaces for Jewish students to engage in religious learning and conversation through trips and gatherings.
Christians on Campus is a group of Christ-believers from many backgrounds that hosts weekly Bible study, fellowship meetings and social events.
The Sheil Catholic Center is a place for worship, learning, service and community for Roman Catholics and others. It holds prayer and retreats, Sunday Mass, holy days such as All Saints Day and more. The Catholic Students Association is affiliated with Sheil and provides opportunities for engagement in fellowship, prayer and service.
Cru is a Christian ministry group in which members partake in mission trips, retreats, conferences and music. Destino is a Latine ministry subgroup for students to engage with or develop a relationship with Christ.
There are groups for Christian churches of many denominations, including Lutheran Campus Ministry, Canterbury House NU for the Episcopal faith and University Christian Ministry, which is associated with the United Methodist Church and Presbyterian Church.
Participating in concerts and other performances, NU Community Ensemble is a gospel choir for spiritual, gospel and anthem music of Black Christian tradition.
Every Winter Quarter Religious and Spiritual Life, within Student Affairs, holds 40 Days of Spirituality, a series of opportunities which invite everyone of any or no spiritual tradition to come together and engage in self-renewal and reflection.
Some organizations host events welcoming students of various faiths, such as the annual interfaith barn dance hosted by Hillel and CaSA.
Religious and Spiritual Life can help you find more religious organizations and spaces at NU.
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Twitter: @Astry_tpwk
Related Stories:
— A guide to religious spaces at NU
— Guide to Northwestern’s religious and spiritual organizations