ASG discusses code changes in final senate of Fall Quarter
Joanne Haner/The Daily Northwestern
ASG met for the final time this quarter to discuss changes to its code and parliamentary procedure.
November 18, 2021
Associated Student Government held its last quarterly meeting Wednesday to introduce and discuss changes to its code that it will deliberate and vote on in January.
The Rules Committee, led by SESP sophomore and ASG Parliamentarian Leah Ryzenman, met and updated the entire code. One notable change is the removal of Robert’s Rules of Order, which Ryzenman said is an outdated and limiting form of parliamentary procedure that discourages participation. Under the new changes, the senate would work with pre-existing standards of ethics and decorum in order to promote respectful civil discourse, Ryzenman said.
The committee also made language more cohesive, removed contradictions and clauses that limited participation, clarified language and more.
“I don’t know the last time a comprehensive code review was done, so I’m really proud of my committee members,” Ryzenman said.
The changes will be developed further and put up for official approval next January, when ASG starts Winter Quarter meetings. ASG will vote on the code changes using its regular rules for approving legislation, Ryzenman said. Until then, Ryzenman said, senators have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the code changes on their own time.
ASG President and SESP senior Christian Wade also addressed the senate during its final fall meeting. Wade said ASG leadership will introduce plans to get senators to engage more with their constituent communities next quarter and congratulated the senators on their work this fall.
“Y’all are doing a really, really good job so far,” Wade said. “I really love to see the passion that you all have exemplified this quarter.”
Twitter: @joshdperry
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