ASG releases apology on discussions surrounding resolution supporting Palestinian human rights
June 3, 2021
Associated Student Government leadership released a statement to the Northwestern student community on Wednesday acknowledging a doxxing incident that occurred during its May 26 meeting.
Doxxing refers to when one’s private information is intentionally shared in a digital setting. During the discussion on the resolution supporting human rights in Palestine, an ASG senator shared — without invitation — social media information of an attendee with opposing views, according to the statement. The senator’s name is unknown.
“We unequivocally condemn the senator’s actions and regret not taking swift action to address them,” the statement read.
In return, an anonymous attendee sent an inappropriate comment to the same senator. The individual was promptly removed from the meeting.
The ASG statement underscored the rise in antisemitic hate crimes in the United States and abroad. At the same time, the statement said Islamophobia presents grave worldwide oppression to Muslims as well.
“There is no place on our campus or in our student government for the blatant disrespect of others, regardless of differing opinions, experiences, and perspectives,” the statement read.
The organization also released a separate statement the same day affirming solidarity with NU’s Palestinian, Middle Eastern North African, Muslim and Arab-Jewish communities.
ASG leadership will take action on how to host debates on significant issue areas, the statement said. The student government leaders look to host forums and invite representatives of campus affinity groups to establish standards in the fall, according to the statement.
Reflecting on last week’s session, Speaker of the Senate Dylan Jost said the discussion brought forth challenges within student government.
The Weinberg freshman, who is in charge of moderating discussions, said last Wednesday showed a need for a return of in-person programming when students return in the fall. A doxxing scenario would be less likely when meetings are in-person, but there are benefits and drawbacks to both in-person and virtual meeting models, he said.
“I really think it’s shown us how to better create a safe space, whether it’s in person or virtual,” Jost said. “I think we’ve learned some lessons from that.”
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— ASG vote in support of Palestinian human rights marks recognition
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