Northwestern University and Evanston's Only Daily News Source Since 1881

The Daily Northwestern

Northwestern University and Evanston's Only Daily News Source Since 1881

The Daily Northwestern

Northwestern University and Evanston's Only Daily News Source Since 1881

The Daily Northwestern

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City Council approves $800,000 settlement over Fountain Square leaks, discusses leaf blower ordinance amendments
Northwestern hosts groundbreaking ceremony at Ryan Field construction site
Wesley Avenue residents call for action amid recent move-out
The 23rd annual Chicago Pride Fest features JoJo Siwa, Sapphira Cristál and Bob the Drag Queen
Queering The Map shows queer love on campus
‘You know absolutely nothing’: Students frustrated with NU’s handling of academic integrity cases
NU’s Summer Class Schedule offers flexibility, opportunities for academic advancement
Perry: A little humility goes a long way

Brew, Hou, Leung, Pandey: On being scared to tweet and the pressure to market yourself as a student journalist

June 4, 2024

Haner: A love letter to the multimedia room

June 4, 2024

Independent review of athletics department released, puts forth key recommendations

Northwestern hosts groundbreaking ceremony at Ryan Field construction site

June 25, 2024

Derrick Gragg appointed as Northwestern’s vice president for athletic strategy, search for new athletic director begins

June 13, 2024


The secret (and short) lives of cicadas on campus

NU Declassified: Prof. Barbara Butts teaches leadership through stage management

Everything Evanston: Behind the boba in downtown Evanston

My NU Moment: Nov. 17

I’m a city girl. Like Aesop’s Town Mouse, Serena Van Der Woodsen and even Miss Piggy, I belong amongst the cluttered streets, huddled beneath skyscrapers and scrambling amongst big yellow taxis. There’s something so inherently romantic about The Big City, and my affair with Chicago, the windiest of them all, remains the most poignant of the relationships I formed in college.

I’ve never been one of those Evanstonian types. The early bedtimes and the chain retail stores bore me, and if I stand on the lakeshore just beside my favorite painted rock, the jutting shark, I can make out the Chicago skyline, beckoning me. The El is my favorite

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Northwestern University and Evanston's Only Daily News Source Since 1881
My NU Moment: Nov. 17