The new Tiny Dog Cupcake (616 Davis St.) will leave its doors open late this Friday (Jan. 14) in an open-to-the-public promotional event for Wave Production’s “Buried Child.”
From 8 p.m. to 10:30 p.m., attendees can enjoy a free cupcake with the $5 entrance fee. Coffee and cupcakes will be for sale throughout the night, and karaoke talent will be provided by the “Buried Child” team. Jesse Thurston, the play’s director, will emcee.
“Tiny Dog Cupcake is a great new Evanston business,” says event organizer Rachel Birnbaum, a Communication sophomore. “This is a great way to get publicity and support for a project we’ve worked so hard on for so long.”
Mr. Alpha Kappa Alpha Pageant and Vanish.Into.Pink (V.I.P) Founder’s Day Party
This Saturday (Jan. 15), men from on and off campus will showcase their style and talent in the Norris Center Louis Room for the annual Mr. AKA Pageant and V.I.P Afterparty as a part of their Founders’ Day Celebration. Beginning at 9 p.m. on Saturday, the pageant will be open to the public, and the after-party will be open to WildCARD-carrying NU students and all community members 18 or older. Pageant tickets are $3 at the door, after-party admission will be $3, or a combined ticket can also be purchased for $5.
“This year we decided to bump our pageant up to Winter Quarter in order for us to have time to do Greek activities next quarter,” Communication senior and event director Alexis Isaacs says. “We’re very excited about it and have put a lot of work into it.”
“This was originally published in The Current, a weekly supplement to The Daily Northwestern.”