For Mee-Ow Comedy, Northwestern’s premier comedy group, committing to the bit can look like “yes, and…” improv, setting your crotch on fire or crashing a framed image and shattering the inset glass...
Comedians and actors Hannah Einbinder and Megan Stalter, stars of HBO’s critically acclaimed dramedy series “Hacks,” delivered a series of stand-up comedy performances as A&O Productions’ 2022...
A&O Productions will present a night of stand-up comedy featuring stars Hannah Einbinder and Megan Stalter of HBO’s comedy drama, “Hacks.” Stand-up comedian and Communication junior Orly Lewittes...
While some students have dedicated years to crafting the perfect punchline, others at Northwestern are just getting started in the comedy scene.
Communication sophomore Orly Lewittes’s comedy career...