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The Daily Northwestern

Northwestern University and Evanston's Only Daily News Source Since 1881

The Daily Northwestern

Northwestern University and Evanston's Only Daily News Source Since 1881

The Daily Northwestern

Four people sit at a panel in front of rows of empty chairs. A yellow screen in the back reads “Black to Front: From African American Studies to Black Studies: A Black Thought and Culture Symposium.”

51 years after founding, African American Studies Department to be renamed Black Studies, reflecting global lens and activism

May 22, 2023

Last year, the African American Studies Department celebrated its 50th anniversary, 54 years after Black students demanded acknowledgement of Black art, culture, literature and history during the Bursar’s...

Defining Safe: The Broader Scope of the Bursar’s Office Takeover

Defining Safe: The Broader Scope of the Bursar’s Office Takeover

May 22, 2023

    It’s been almost three weeks since the 55th anniversary of the Bursar’s Office Takeover, but what can the event still tell us about the larger scope of student protest? The...

Civil rights activist Diane Nash speaks with Weinberg Prof. Martha Biondi at a Thursday event hosted at Lutkin hall. Nash recounted her experiences as an activist and emphasized the need for civic activism.

Civil rights trailblazer Diane Nash recounts experience as organizer, emphasizes importance of activism

April 25, 2019

To civil rights luminary Diane Nash, there’s no fundamental difference between being an activist and being a citizen: They’re one and the same. In an age when democracy continues to backslide, it’s...

Northwestern University in Qatar communications Prof. Marco Williams. Williams directed “Tell Them We Are Rising,” which featured African American Studies Prof. Martha Biondi and Provost Jonathan Holloway.

Professor’s PBS documentary features Northwestern faculty

February 21, 2018

Northwestern professors and administrators contributed to “Tell Them We Are Rising,” a new PBS independent film about the role of historically black colleges and universities in American society. The...

Students occupy the Northwestern Bursar’s Office in May 1968 for a 38-hour peaceful protest. Northwestern announced they will provide funding for organizations that wish to hold programming and events related to the 50th anniversary commemoration of the takeover.

Northwestern to offer funding for Bursar’s Office Takeover commemoration events

February 15, 2018

Northwestern will provide funding to student groups, departments and centers planning events to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Bursar’s Office Takeover, the University announced in a Wednesday...

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Northwestern University and Evanston's Only Daily News Source Since 1881
Martha Biondi