Inspired by Korean shamanism, third-year directing graduate student Tae-Heum Yeon’s version of “Antigone,” offers audiences a unique perspective of the classic Greek tragedy at the Virginia Wadsworth...
WAVE Productions’ “Bonnie & Clyde” took audience members at Shanley Pavilion for a wild ride through the 1930s South during its two-day run Friday and Saturday.
Communication sophomore and...
In Vertigo Productions’ latest show, “The Seagullman,” an oil-addicted, anthropomorphic seagull complicates two Coast Guard volunteers’ mission to save the world.
The show premiered Friday at...
‘DOGS,’ a raw, high-tension play focusing on the lengths women will go for success and the consequences that follow, premiered at The Edge Off Broadway Friday.
Written by Chicago-based playwright...
Vibrant Colors Collective premiered its retelling of “You’re A Good Man, Charlie Brown” at Shanley Pavilion Friday for a two-day run.
VC2’s annual fall retelling slot exists to transform a well-known...