Before YoFresh Cafe’s scheduled opening in August 2014, the city inspector delayed the license by a month, co-owner Jean Murphy said. She contacted Ald. Melissa Wynne (3rd) for help.
Wynne did not respond. Murphy said she went to the Civic Center for the license.
“I had to go down there and act crazy to ensure we could open our doors,” Murphy said.
Since then, Murphy said she stopped depending on Wynne for help. She and her husband, co-owner Larry Murphy, have sustained the cafe for the past decade by allowing residents to host events there.
Wynne, who has served on City Council since 1998, will not seek reelection this year. The 3rd Ward candidates are environmentalist Gennifer Geer, shelter director Shawn Iles and businessperson John Kennedy.
Murphy said all she wants from the next alderperson is “an acknowledgment that (YoFresh Cafe is) here.”
Ahead of the Evanston election on April 1, some business owners said elected officials vary in their responses to feedback.
Dave’s Italian Kitchen owner Dave Glatt said he has maintained contact with Ald. Clare Kelly (1st). Kelly introduced herself to Glatt at the restaurant after winning the 2021 election, he said.
“A lot of things are mundane,” Glatt said. “If my garbage doesn’t get picked up, she’s the one I turn to, and she makes things happen.”
He said Kelly promoted a documentary about his restaurant and supported the Legacy Business Program, which aims to support shops older than 20 years.
Kelly is running against retired lawyer Stephen Hackney.
Glatt also emails with Mayor Daniel Biss. He said he appreciates Biss responding within 12 hours, even if he disagrees with the mayor on issues like commercializing the new Ryan Field and relocating the Civic Center.
Robert Piron, co-owner of Belgian Chocolatier Piron on Main Street, said some city initiatives undermine retail development.
Small businesses in close proximity rely on each other to promote products, Piron said. Customers might come to Evanston for one store and visit another due to its proximity. More retailers increase cross-marketing opportunities.
Piron said the city’s plans to build more condominiums and rental units undermine this system by reducing space for potential shops.
“We have a lot of interesting, unique stores that are being slowly rubbed out,” Piron said. “Everybody’s yielding to the big developers and the big money because they want the taxes.”
These new building developments also do not mandate enough parking spots, he said. Cars overflow onto streets with limited space.
He said the city’s attempt to increase biking does not account for most people opting to drive in cold weather.
Sew on Central founder Karen Graham said Evanston’s parking prices and broken meters cost stores customers. People opt to shop in neighboring cities where they can park for free.
Graham is one of 10 business owners on the Central Street Board of Directors. She said when the group informed city officials of the parking issue, the response was “radio silence.”
Like Murphy, Graham said she wants the newly elected council to recognize businesses’ needs more.
“I hope they realize that we contribute a lot to Evanston,” Graham said. “Without our little downtown area, our Main Street area, our central street area and our Dempster area, we would just be another suburb. Our shopping areas and our restaurants give us more character.”
Although many residents shop local, Graham said City Council makes Evanston “unfriendly” for store owners.
Piron said officials’ lack of communication results in sweeping policies at the expense of businesses’ everyday necessities.
“Slow down, take a look and maybe actually talk to the retailers,” Piron said. “Find out what we think instead of making us come down to City Hall.”
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