Born-and-raised Evanston resident Carlis Sutton is running in the 2025 Evanston election to represent the 5th Ward on City Council.
The 82-year-old former educator and member of the Reparations Committee said he is dissatisfied with the current representation of the 5th Ward. He also wants to improve the 5th Ward through affordable housing policy, education expansion and increased job training opportunities.
Sutton sat down with The Daily to discuss his goals if elected as the 5th Ward councilmember.
The race’s incumbent, Ald. Bobby Burns (5th), could not be reached for an interview in time for the article’s publication. The Daily will include further coverage of Burns and the 5th Ward race leading up to Evanston’s April 1 election.
This interview has been lightly edited and condensed for clarity.
The Daily: How long have you lived in Evanston, and what made you decide to run?
Sutton: I’ve been here in Evanston this time for about 30 years, but I was born and raised and went to school here. Recently, there’s been so much change in my community. I was not completely satisfied with the kinds of representation that we were getting, and someone told me, “Why are you running at 82 years old? You’ve got to be ashamed of yourself. Sit down.” I said, “No.”
I used to talk to my grandparents about some of the things that they had to overcome when they lived in Evanston. And the question to me was, “Why am I still dealing with these issues in 2025?”
I could sit by and let it happen, or I could throw my head in the ring because the person who’s there is not representing the views that I had as a (long-time) taxpayer in this community. I’ve run twice before and lost, so we’re hoping the third time’s the charm.
The Daily: What would you describe as the top issues you’re targeting for your campaign in the 5th Ward?
Sutton: We’re going to have to look at other areas of affordability. Seems like everything in this community is going toward rentals, and since I am a taxpayer, I think we should also have the option to have affordable ownership. Evanston owns a lot of vacant land. It should be placed in a land trust, which will make it reasonable for at least 90 years. It gives you a chance to build some equity if you decide to move on.
The Daily: If elected, what is the first thing you would do as a councilmember?
Sutton: The first thing I want to put in place is to take a look at the TIF (Tax Increment Financing), inclusionary housing and to look at some of the things that left out a very viable group: small, Black landlords who rent for under market value to students or to the elderly.
We have a very large shortage of homes for Black elders. That needs to be addressed. Several of my friends my age have been on the waiting list for five years. So we hope you don’t die before they call your name. Then my next step would be the land trust to try to get young people to purchase homes and remain in our community.
The Daily: From your conversations with voters, what are the top priorities or concerns for 5th Ward voters this election?
Sutton: There are two things Evanston voters most care about: one, environmental changes in the community and two, maintaining diversity. The average income of white residents is $108,000 right now, and the average income of the Black residents is $60,000. So is Evanston intending to bring diversity, or is it just diversity on paper? No programs are there to maintain it.
The Daily: Lastly, what is something you would like voters to know about you and your campaign?
Sutton: I’m a strong member of a church. I’m a fraternity member here in Evanston, and I just believe in being involved with my community. The senior program is an interest of mine, but I’m also concerned about the low reading scores of Black youth. There’s always been a gap in education. I don’t know if the new (Foster School) will address that.
That’s one of my concerns, especially at the high school. We need a trade school. You will always need carpenters, plumbers, electricians. None of that’s available at the high school anymore. We could start a school like that.
X: @caylac
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