Ald. Juan Geracaris (9th) told The Daily on Tuesday he joined City Council to advocate for his neighbors and friends. As a representative of what he said is one of the most racially diverse parts of the city, he declared that he wanted to prevent the displacement of residents.
Part of that work involves the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance, which the council voted to overhaul Monday in a 6-1 vote. The revision expanded affordable housing mandates while it axed on-site unit requirements.
Effective April 1, the new ordinance raises the requirement for affordable units in privately funded buildings from 10% to 15% and in publicly funded units from 20% to 30%. It also eliminates on-site affordable housing requirements, raising fees for developers who fail to comply with its conditions.
Geracaris said it was vital to pass the new ordinance to ensure it would begin April 1. He also pushed the council to revisit it yearly, as it was last updated in 2018. He added that the council should broaden its view of affordability, considering housing for city workers and loan assistance for first-time homeowners.
“It is important timing-wise we have this on the books because we have things coming through — land use — that we want 5% more inclusionary housing units,” Geracaris said. “We want to close those loopholes that we have.”
Ald. Clare Kelly (1st) was the only council member to vote against the ordinance, saying she was concerned that the city was moving to 0% on-site affordable housing mandates. She compared the requirement to Northbrook and Highland Park, which require 15% and 20% for certain developments.
Kelly added she wants housing mandates for municipal workers and a raise to 10% on-site requirements instead of removing them.
“Many of these developments are going to be happening downtown, and I want to ensure that while they are building the building, we are putting affordable units in,” Kelly said. “There is no reason not to mandate on-site units.”
Ald. Krissie Harris (2nd) also said she was uneasy about the lack of on-site requirements. But she said staff instilled confidence that developers will not regularly “buy out” of the conditions.
Mayor Daniel Biss said the high fees would allow the city to take extensive action if used, but the city is confident this will rarely occur.
“We are very confident it will extremely rarely happen, and when it does, it gives us the tools to do better than the thing that got opted out of,” Biss said.
Kelly also expressed distaste that while some other cities have permanent measures for affordable housing, Evanston’s rental units are only subject to a 30-year requirement — an unaltered aspect of the new ordinance.
Senior Housing Planner Uri Pachter countered Kelly, saying other municipalities have different needs, adding that Highland Park’s median income is higher than Evanston’s.
“It’s not apples to apples with other communities,” Pachter said.
Ald. Bobby Burns (5th) said city staff expected outcomes to be similar despite 0% on-site requirements. Despite his support for the revamped ordinance, he added he was concerned about the 30-year affordability condition for rental units.
“The last piece almost got me — the in-perpurity,” Burns said. “I would like more information on that, but I believe we can make quick adjustments.”
X: @kamran_nia
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