Egg rolls, red packets and conversation were readily available at Wednesday afternoon’s Lunar New Year celebration.
The event was hosted by Northwestern’s Office of International Student and Scholar Services and Off-Campus Life at 1800 Sherman Ave. Around 30 to 40 individuals attended — a mix of NU undergraduate, graduate students and faculty alike, said OISS Director Sara Thurston.
“There were three different tables of activities where students could learn about different pieces of Lunar New Year celebration, and then a couple of rounds of food to keep the students enjoying the events as well,” Thurston said.
Thurston said she intended for the event to have an atmosphere that was open and easy for people to talk to each other about the holiday.
A few Chinese Students and Scholars Association members volunteered to assist with the event, Thurston said.
“It’s so important to learn more about the people that are around us and to share our cultures,” Thurston said. “And to give people the opportunity to meet new people as well. Sometimes students don’t know where to meet new students, and it’s always a great idea to have events that can bring people together.”
Graduate Assistant Regina Zhao, who helped spearhead the event, said she wanted to represent international students in her job at Off-Campus Life. Zhao said it was important for Off-Campus Life to host an event for international students like herself and for the community to convene in general.
Zhao also said that, back home, her elder family members have a tradition of gifting red envelopes to younger family members.
“Lunar New Year is happening in China, and other countries,” Zhao said. “In my family, we will have a big meal on Lunar New Year Eve, and gather all the family members together. It’s a big gathering and a great time together.”
Jason McKean, assistant dean and director of strategy and operations in the Dean of Students office, said the event was partially intended to spread the word about timely new tenant ordinances in Evanston.
Capitalizing on the gathering of students, some of whom live off-campus, McKean passed out copies of the city’s Residential Landlord Tenant Ordinance — which discusses tenants’ rights — to all attendees.
“We thought we could (collaborate with OISS and CSSA to) celebrate the Lunar New Year, and maybe have an opportunity to connect with our international students on this information in a different way,” McKean said.
Second-year J.D. and third-year computer science Ph.D. student Peter Chan said he enjoyed the event’s displays. Chan said he also prepared a couple of red packets with candy stuffed inside.
“I’m of Chinese descent, so I liked coming over here and seeing some of the stuff that’s happening for the Chinese festivities,” Chan said.
Chan said that his friend Maryam Azmandian, a computer science Ph.D. student, had asked him to tag along.
Azmandian said that she was drawn to the event to connect with other NU community members.
“Being from a Persian culture, (I enjoy) celebrating different beautiful traditions and milestones in different calendars,” Azmandian said. “Our own Persian New Year is coming up in March. The new year is the time to just celebrate fresh starts, community, good wishes for people, and they just really get gravitated toward wholesome, positive reasons to just be with people.”
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