The Daily Northwestern’s Guide to Illinois’ 2022 Governor’s Race: candidates on abortion

Daily file illustration by Olivia Abeyta

Gov. J.B. Pritzker won the Democratic nomination with about 92% of the votes in Tuesday’s gubernatorial primary race.

Jessica Ma, Reporter

The U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade on Friday, granting states the power to determine if and when abortion is legal. The decision brought abortion to the forefront ahead of Tuesday’s Illinois gubernatorial primaries. During the primary, party-affiliated voters will select their party’s nominee for the general election in November in races for the governorship, U.S. Senate, Illinois Supreme Court and more.

The Daily gathered an overview of the eight gubernatorial and lieutenant gubernatorial candidates’ platforms on abortion rights. 


Democratic Party:


J.B. Pritzker and Juliana Stratton

Gov. Pritzker is pro-abortion rights, promising to make Illinois a “safe haven” for those seeking reproductive health care. After the overturning of Roe v. Wade, he called for a special session of the Illinois General Assembly to discuss protecting abortion. 

Pritzker signed the Reproductive Health Act into state law in 2019, ensuring the fundamental right to abortion, contraception, maternity care and other forms of reproductive health care. The bill also repealed laws that criminalized abortion, revised clinic regulations and required insurance companies to cover abortion. In 2021, Pritzker repealed a state law that required parental notification or judicial permission for Illinois minors to have an abortion.

“Overturning Roe v. Wade directly contradicts the nation’s history of expanding rights in the United States,” Pritzker said in a Friday news release. “It’s an attack on freedom and liberty our constitution is supposed to guarantee.”

Beverly Miles and Karla Shaw

Nurse and retired U.S. Army Maj. Beverly Miles is pro-abortion rights. She aims to ensure abortion facilities meet safety and health regulations. However, Miles said she does not support repeated abortion procedures as a “form of birth control,” according to her campaign’s Facebook.


Republican Party:


Darren Bailey and Stephanie Trussell

State Sen. Darren Bailey (R-Louisville) is anti-abortion. However, in situations where the life of the mother is at risk, Bailey has said his stance on abortion would “lean toward the life of the mother.” Bailey also plans to reestablish the parental notification requirement for minors seeking an abortion, which the Pritzker administration repealed. As an Illinois lawmaker, he voted against pro-abortion rights measures, including the Reproductive Health Act.

“The Supreme Court decision is a historic and welcomed moment,” Bailey said in a Facebook post on Friday. “As I have consistently stated for several months, as Governor, I will work to remove taxpayer-funded abortion and restore parental notification in Illinois.”

Richard Irvin and Avery Bourne

Aurora Mayor Richard Irvin describes himself as pro-life. Irvin said rape, incest and the life of the mother are exceptions for abortion. Like Bailey, Irvin seeks to reinstate the parental notification requirement for minors who want to have an abortion. When the draft of the Supreme Court opinion was first leaked, Irvin did not comment on his stance, unlike other GOP candidates.

Gary Rabine and Aaron Del Mar

Gary Rabine, the founder and chair of exterior facilities management business Rabine Group, is anti-abortion. According to CBS News, while Rabine supports abortion if the mother’s life is in danger, he does not support it in cases of rape and incest. An advocate for adoption, Rabine also supports life centers for people to seek resources for pregnancy.

Paul Schimpf and Carolyn Schofield

Paul Schimpf, the former state senator for District 58, supports abortion in cases of rape, incest and when the life of the mother is in danger, according to CBS News. In 2019, he voted against the Reproductive Health Act.

Max Solomon and Latasha Fields

Attorney Max Solomon does not support abortion in any case, including rape, incest and risk to the mother’s life. He advocates for adoption as an alternative. 

“(W)here the mother’s health or life is threatened during pregnancy, killing the baby should not be an option and is never the solution,” Solomon said in a Facebook post on Sunday.

Jesse Sullivan and Kathleen Murphy

Jesse Sullivan, a venture capitalist, supports abortion only in cases of rape, incest and risk to the life of the mother. Sullivan expressed criticism of Pritzker’s repeal of the parental notification on abortion, which he said impedes on the rights of parents.

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The Daily Northwestern’s Guide to Illinois’ 2022 Governor’s Race