Q&A: Canadian singer-songwriter Mappe Of

Source: All Eyes Media

Singer-songwriter Mappe Of will be performing at Evanston SPACE on Oct. 15. His music is an eclectic blend of folk and electronic.

Jane Recker, Assistant A&E Editor


Experimental Canadian artist Mappe Of wants to end the concept of music genres. His debut album, “A Northern Star, A Perfect Stone” — which incorporates aspects of folk, electronic and experimental audio — attempts to defy genre norms while dealing with heavy themes. The singer-songwriter spoke to The Daily about his unique sound and will perform with Martha Wainwright at Evanston SPACE on Oct. 15.

The Daily: Your album has this folk-electronic mix going on. How did you decide on the final sound for the compilation?

Mappe Of: I was sent in multiple directions before I found this middle ground. There’s some guitar work that’s influenced by this softer side of progressive metal. (With) the electronic elements that have permeated our musical culture, the manipulation of acoustic sounds is an interesting idea to me.

Daily: Your lyrics are pretty concrete and dark; there’s a song that deals with cancer for instance. Where do you find the inspiration for your words?

Mappe Of: Some of these songs were developed over longer periods of time, and they capture a very specific point in time. The album is very diverse in that way. I think there are common themes in terms of how I relate to the people in my life. I do my best to value them and be present with them and appreciate what they provide for me, but there’s moments where maybe you lose someone or your feelings change about a person and you have to come to terms with that.

Daily: What song resonates the most with you?

Mappe Of: That’s the sort of thing that tends to evolve over time. Initially “Cavern’s Dark” was something that really felt like a mission statement for the record, and it still does, but there are certain elements in songs that I identify more with now. In “Kaepora” there’s a sense of realism. There are a couple of key changes and the places it takes you from a melodic perspective are interesting to me.

Daily: You talk a lot about being Canadian, how does that reflect in your music?

Mappe Of: (Being Canadian) is such an intrinsic thing. It’s not as though I’m writing in the traditional folk sense of the Canadian experience, but I’m proud to have been raised there and there’s so many aspects of this common experience. Winter is a perfect example. It’s something that seems superficial, but it’s a common experience that contributes to how we relate to each other, it feels like we’re going through it together.

Email: janerecker2019@u.northwestern.edu
Twitter: @jreck96