DG/ZBT/AIO team raises biggest group total for Dance Marathon

Sophia Bollag, Managing Editor

The Dance Marathon fundraising team of Delta Gamma, Zeta Beta Tau and Alpha Iota Omicron raised the most money of all the fundraising groups. The team, which was included in the large groups category, raised $140,725.79, almost $14,000 less than the DG/ZBT team raised last year. AIO, a fraternity in the Multicultural Greek Council, joined the team for the first time this year.

During Block 10, DM also announced the other top fundraisers in each category:

Large group:

  1. DG/ZBT/AIO $140,725.79
  2. Kappa/Pike $68,833.63
  3. Alpha Phi/Sigma Chi $59,382.28
  4. Phi Psi/Theta $58,594.41

Medium group:

  1. SAE/Tri Delt $59,110.30
  2. KD/Sigma Nu $37,792.05
  3. Gamma Phi/Phi Delt $33,005.40
  4. Alpha Chi/AEPi $30,669.39
  5. Pi Phi/Beta $29,039.16
  6. Zeta/Delt $28,533.55

Small group:

  1. PWILD $12,847.86
  2. Shepard $12,679.29
  3. CRC $8,520.93
  4. Chapin/CCS $8,277.18
  5. Slivka *official totals for this group were not immediately available
  6. Willard *official totals for this group were not immediately available

Individual fundraisers on a DM committee:

  1. Caroline Gold $10,014.56
  2. Zari Barzilai $5,510.78
  3. Maxwell Friedman $5,391.46
  4. Zachary Elvove $3,440.61
  5. Lauren Sonnenberg $3,099.21

Individual fundraisers, non-committee:

  1. John Gallagher $4,500
  2. Eli Panken $3,523.70
  3. Katherine Lattanzio $3,110.22
  4. Sam Riese $2,526.01
  5. Jacob Bergman $2,520.05

Email: sophiabollag@u.northwestern.edu
Twitter: @sophiabollag