Northwestern University is nothing short of an amazing asset to the City of Evanston. Adding vibrancy, world class educational talent and resources, a Big Ten presence, gorgeous landscaped grounds along our lakefront and millions of dollars in revenue through the purchase of goods and services, the university is a welcomed partner in what makes Evanston such a unique place to call home. Whether you’re calling Evanston home only during the years you attend the university, or like many others, decide to plant roots in our City after graduation, it is abundantly apparent that the university is an extraordinary partner in making Evanston the thriving, successful, and desirable city that it is.
Unfortunately, my opponent and incumbent 1st Ward Alderman, Judy Fiske, often views whatever the University proposes, or the input of thousands of students who are currently her constituents, as an antagonistic and undesirable presence within our community. In 2005, Alderman Fiske even went so far as to sue 200 students who attended a University sponsored pizza party promoting the election, frivolously claiming that their admirable civic involvement was the equivalent to buying votes. While overturned by a court of law, that certainly is not any way to go about promoting a mutually respectful and beneficial relationship between NU and the City of Evanston, in my humble opinion.
It is abundantly clear that “town-gown” relations between the City of Evanston and Northwestern need improvement and the first step in that direction is replacing Judy Fiske on the City Council. I want to work together to make the areas around campus safer for University students, staff and local residents alike by adding better lighting and additional emergency call boxes. This sensible measure was made even more economically feasible to the City of Evanston when the University offered to pay the entire initial capital costs of installation of both the lighting and emergency boxes two years ago, but my opponent needlessly opposed this essential safety measure.
Addressing the antiquated “brothel law” that has displaced dozens of students and inconvenienced hundreds of others will be another priority for me should you elect me to City Council. Making students’ residential units more accessible, convenient and safe is my primary goal and I believe that working to repeal the “brothel law” is the way to achieve that. Conversely, my opponent, Judy Fiske, fought to keep the “brothel law” on the books, continuing to make students’ lives more difficult in the process.
As someone who lives in downtown Evanston (my wife and I have called Sherman Plaza home for seven years) and as a candidate for 1st Ward Alderman in the upcoming April 9th election, I view the students, faculty, staff and alumni of Northwestern University as partners within the greater 1st Ward and the City of Evanston. If you’ll grant me the honor of representing you on the City Council, I promise that I will work in a collaborative and inclusive manner to represent you. I will seek your input and suggestions, work to address your concerns, and strive every day to ensure that your time as an Evanstonian, regardless of if it is temporary or long term, is of the highest quality and safety.
I would be honored to have your vote for 1st Ward alderman on Tuesday, April 9th. Please make sure you get out the vote and join hundreds of other students in letting your voice be heard in the civic affairs of Evanston.
Ed Tivador
Evanston 1st Ward Challenger
For a response from 1st Ward alderman Judy Fiske, visit