Many students and faculty live in Evanston’s 1st Ward and thus have a choice between Ald. Judy Fiske and her opponent Ed Tivador in the April 9 election.
Before voting, please take a look at the facts about these two candidates. To determine what Ald. Fiske stands for, take a look at her website,, and compare it to the website of candidate Tivador: This comparison will make it clear that Ald. Fiske’s current positions and past accomplishments are misrepresented by her opponent. For example, Ald. Fiske has not opposed better lighting and safety provisions in and around the University, as her opponent has claimed. Quite the contrary, she has championed progressive policies on both issues. She has vigorously fostered business development, not opposed it.
As a citizen of Evanston since 1995, I have found Judy Fiske to be the most responsive and responsible of the persons who have represented the 1st Ward. She is the first alderman to hold regular ward meetings where citizens share their opinions town hall-style and learn about the city government’s actions and proposals. When there are hot local issues, Ald. Fiske holds extra meetings and arranges for relevant city officials to talk directly to the citizens of the ward.
Ald. Fiske listens to all voices: the students, the apartment dwellers, and the owners of single-family homes. The ward contains especially large numbers of students and retired persons living in senior living institutions. Fiske works hard to find win-win solutions that respect all groups.
Ald. Fiske puts in extraordinarily long hours working for the citizens of Evanston. She attends many extra meetings and reaches out to understand citizens’ concerns. Amazingly, she answers all emails the same day that she receives them.
I encourage you to vote, but first become an informed voter.
Alice Eagly
Evanston 1st Ward resident