Student programs like SEED are run by students who clearly care about the environment, but what about the collective sentiments of all students on campus? Our cover story opens the wider discussion of policy and action at Northwestern as an institution, but we wondered what students think of what their peers are up to? We asked 100 students in Norris a complicated question: Do you think Northwestern students are environmentally progressive? We’re talking about the big picture, like attending panels and fighting for legislation. Of those polled, 57 percent say “no.” The majority of polled students wish there had been a 1 to 10 scale, or at least a “maybe” option. “People want to care but don’t take those steps toward action,” one student says. Others agreed there is much discussion but little is done. One complained, “There isn’t even a compost on campus” …though one student did share that her friend has her own compost in her kitchen, worms and all. Appetizing.
Do you think Northwestern students are environmentally progressive?
Yes: 43
No: 57