Really, Northwestern? I mean, I know times are tough. The economy sucks. You just lost a billion in your endowment. But let’s just get one thing straight: There’s no way in hell I’m going to pay $3 an hour to play Xbox – Xbox! – in Norris.
That’s what the newly renovated Game Room, which opened Thursday, is asking students. And I’m sorry, Game Room staff – I know this probably isn’t your fault. NU seems like it will take any opportunity it can to nickle-and-dime students on top of the nearly $50,000 a year we already pay to go here. But asking students to shell out more cash to come play Xbox in a dingy, dimly lit student center is nearly insulting. Is anyone really that hard up for Rock Band? I’m pretty sure I could just walk into Allison or Bobb and listen for the dulcet tones of “Dani California” and find a game myself. For free.
Every year we hear these lofty pronouncements from NU administrators about how they want to build community on campus, how they want to get rid of the divisions between North and South Campus. What better way than giving us the ability to game for free in Norris? I’m pretty good on vocals, so I’m betting my Plex friends and I can take on any frat-comers in a Rock Band tournament.
But, hey, maybe this isn’t all NU’s fault. Maybe if I just didn’t finish shelling out nearly four bucks for a piece of pizza – pizza! – in the Norris Food Court, I’d have a little more income. Sodexho, I’m looking at you.
Deputy Campus Editor