By Katharine BernotPLAY Writer
7th HeavenSunday, 8 p.m.
Sunday nights are arguably more depressing than Monday mornings, and nothing says “comfort TV” like “7th Heaven.” Yes, it is still on the air, and yes, it is just as cheesy and wonderful as you remember. This week, Eric decides to home school Sam and David (remember the baby twins?) because their teacher has been flirting with him. Eric keeps this decision a secret, though, which of course, causes suspicions to grow in the overpopulated house. Invariably, the episode will end with a group hug and a moral lesson, courtesy of Reverend Camden.
America’s Next Top ModelWednesday, 7 p.m.
The fierce seventh season of “ANTM” is underway with more girls, more tears and (does anyone else notice?) a slightly less stable Tyra Banks. Challenges thus far have included a “hair wars” competition, a walk-off down a floating runway and a circus photo shoot. The girls in the house breathed a collective sigh of relief when bitchy Monique was eliminated on Episode 3, but Melrose and Anchal stepped in to fill the drama void. Identical twins Amanda and Michelle add an interesting dimension this season while A.J. and Caridee seem to be some of the strongest contenders for the “Top Model” title.
Top ChefWednesday, 10 p.m.
Season two of “Top Chef” serves up 15 aspiring chefs and a new host, Padma Lakshmi, former star of the Food Network series “Planet Food.” The second challenge of the season requires the novice chefs to shop at a fish market for fresh ingredients to complete a sushi challenge. They are later judged on their Vietnamese and Korean dishes by celebrity chef Ming Tsai. The only downside to tuning in? The gourmet meals may make the Hot Pockets and left-over pizza in your mini fridge seem a little less than appetizing.