The Daily Northwestern:You mentioned (Hilary) Clinton. Do you think that America is ready for a woman president?
Carville: If the United States thought an orangatane could solve their problems, they’d vote for it.
The Daily: Has the media been throwing too many softball questions and is that effecting people’s views of political parties?
Carville: You could make a pretty legitimate criticism that the media does lack a great bit of skepticism, particularly about the war. But there’s a little bit on both sides to complain about the media.It just a matter of you’ve got to try and affect the coverage best you can.
The Daily: Is there a key block of voters the democrats need to reclaim?
Carville: I’d like to see us do better with rural voters.
The Daily: Regarding the need to find someone strong, smart and right, why haven’t the democrats been able to find someone successful like that?
Carville: We don’t need to find them. They need to come forward.