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Body 2 ———————————————————————–
U.S. President and Vice President q John F. Kerry and John Edwards (D)
q George W. Bush and Dick Cheney (R)
q Michael Badnarik and Richard V. Campagna (L)
U. S. Senator
q Barack Obama (D)
q Alan Keyes (R)
q Jerry Kohn (L)
q Albert J. Franzen (I)
House of Representatives (9th District)
q Janice D. Schakowsky (D)
q Kurt J. Eckhardt (R)
Representative in the General Assembly (17th)
q Michele Bromberg (D)
q Elizabeth Coulson (R)
Representative in the General Assembly (18th)
q Julie Hamos (D)
q Julianne E. Curtis (R)
State’s Attorney of Cook County
q Richard A. Devine (D)
q Phillip Spiwak (R)
Cook County Recorder of Deeds
q Eugene “Gene” Moore (D)
q John H. Cox (R)
Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County
q Dorothy A. Brown (D)
q Judith A. Kleiderman (R)
Metropolitan Water Reclamation District
Commissioners of the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (Vote for 3)
q Patricia Young (D)
q Barbara McGowan (D)
q Gloria Alitto Majewski (D)
q John Michael O’Sullivan (R)
q Michael Conroy (R)
q Fabian Villarreal (R)