In high school daring sex occurs in your room when your parents are a mere flight of stairs below. You must be quiet enough not to be heard over the TV and quick enough so they don’t wonder why your door has been shut for so long.
In college you face new challenges. Your roommate is tired of getting sexiled, or you’re bored with the old-fashioned bed. So the common question becomes, “where’s the best place you’ve had sex?”
There are always bold individuals who decide hooking up with their roommate a couple feet away is OK. If you’re going to do this, make sure your innocent roommate is passed out in a deep alcohol-induced sleep. Because if you’re lying on the bottom bunk and you wake up to a squeaking bed overhead, you have the most awkward decision to make.
A) Get up and make a run for the door or B) Cover your head with a pillow and hope it stops soon. I think most guys would pretend they didn’t hear to avoid a big cock-block argument in the morning.
I’d recommend sparing your roommate and trying a place new. One friend turned the search for sex spots into a game. She and her best guy friend, both in relationships, challenged each other to “a spot.” Once they chose this place, the goal was to be the first person to “do it” there. The places started out fairly easy and got harder — a car, an empty classroom late at night, someplace in their fraternity or sorority (other than the bedroom), in a dorm bathroom, SPAC … here, the game ceased. Neither could pull off the gym challenge.
But branching out of the bedroom can have its own problems. Hooking up in random places isn’t usually that fulfilling. Girls will admit that this is the one time they want a one-minute man.
After all there’s almost never time for foreplay. I know people who have had sex in a Starbucks bathroom, on a piano in Kellogg auditorium and a on a lifeguard chair on the beach. The time for having sex in all these places is severely limited, so you better be really turned on before you start. There was a line of three people when my friend came out of the Starbucks bathroom with a guy. They took too long.
Finally if you’re going to have sex some place random, be aware of what’s going on around you. A friend of mine was driving home from a party this summer with her boyfriend and wanted to have sex immediately. So the two parked in a dark corner of a playground parking lot. They were so absorbed they didn’t notice a bright light shining in their car until they heard a knock on their window. Rolling it down, they came face-to-face with a policeman and his flashlight. “Alright you two, enough of this. Please step out of the car. We got you guys on tape.”
With all the stipulations that come with sex outside the bedroom, I wonder why the most thrilling sex often takes place out of the comfort of comforters and pillows. And with people getting more adventurous, need we be perpetually worried we’re about to walk in on someone?4
Medill junior Sarah Bailey is the PLAY sex column. She can be reached at [email protected].