Registering to vote just got a whole lot easier — thanks to the efforts of Associated Student Government senators.
Actually, you can call them deputies now.
An official with the Cook County Election Commission attended Wednesday’s ASG meeting and “deputized” senators and student group members, meaning they are now authorized to register voters for local elections. Supporters reasoned that having students register their peers lends credibility to the process and would bolster the numbers of voters on campus.
Although their logic is sound, we doubt the new deputies are going to radically shake up the Northwestern political scene — but, just like ASG’s involvement with redistricting, it is a step in the right direction. Some of their individual efforts to involve students in Evanston politics might seem insignificant; these efforts, however, do make a difference. Students should appreciate that ASG consistently works to protect students’ interests in this arena.
Student deputies will streamline the entire voter registration process. Instead of having to fill out and mail forms yourself, a student senator can do most of the work for you. We hope ASG uses the deputized students to their full potential, by scheduling and promoting voter registration drives around campus.
Students choose not to vote in Evanston for a number of reasons. Because of ASG’s latest effort, the hassle of registering should no longer be one of them.