Dawes Elementary School is about to say goodbye to one of itsicons.
Frank Miralgio, who has served as principal for 30 years, willretire from his position at the end of the school year.
“It’s been a wonderful experience for me,” Miralgio said. “Iwill miss all the people that I worked with, but it just seemedlike the time was right for me to retire.”
Miralgio has been at Dawes since 1972.
“He was 27 years old when he came to Dawes,” said RobinRichardson, president of the Dawes PTA. “He’s ready to do somethingnew and contribute in other ways.”
Born in Chicago and raised in nearby Franklin Park, Ill.,Miralgio was persuaded to teach by a friend.
“(The friend) said ‘It’s a good job and you get the summersoff’,'” Miralgio said. “So I started teaching.”
Miralgio completed an undergraduate degree at Carthage Collegein Kenosha, Wisc., and a master’s degree in education at NorthernIllinois University. He then began teaching sixth-grade math at aschool in Mundelein, Ill. In 1970 he was appointed principal ofthat school.
Two years later, Miralgio became the principal at Dawes.
Susan Jicha, a teacher and librarian at Dawes, has knownMiralgio for 15 years and said he has built a strong workingrelationship with teachers.
“He’s always developed leadership in the school,” Jicha said.”He lets the teachers take the lead and because of this the climatein our school is very positive.”
Miralgio was well-known at Dawes for the low-key role he playedas the principal, Jicha said.
“He’s a wonderful listener,” Jicha said. “He could calm downpeople in troubling situations instantly.”
Despite Miralgio’s attempts to remain in the background,Miralgio spent much of his time at the school, which helped makehim well liked in the Dawes community.
“I never thought about leaving,” Miralgio said. “It has been avery challenging job, but I’ve had the opportunity to grow with it.It’s always been very exciting for me to work here.”
Jicha said Miralgio always had time to make a joke to the staffat Dawes.
“He has a very dry sense of humor,” Jicha said. “He would saysomething and you’ll only realize that it’s really funny twominutes later.”
On May 19, the school board appointed Karen Bradley to fill theprincipal position at Dawes. Bradley is the principal at EugeneField Elementary School in Chicago.
“You’re always sad and a little nervous because change isscary,” Jicha said. “But Frank has worked really hard and hedeserves a break.”
Miralgio said he is not sure what he plans to do afterretiring.
“I suspect I will look for some part-time employment,” Miralgiosaid. “I’m sad now to be leaving but I’ll be happy in July.”