The 22-year-old man who was struck by an El train Monday afternoon remained in critical condition Tuesday night, St. Francis Hospital officials said.
The man’s condition has neither improved nor deteriorated since he was taken to St. Francis Hospital after being hit by a northbound Purple Line train at 4:45 p.m. about 125 feet from the Dempster El stop, the hospital’s nursing supervisor said. The hospital would not release specific information on the injuries he suffered.
The man still has not been identified, said Cmdr. Michael Perry of the Evanston Police Department. He was not carrying any identification when he was struck by the train, and he is not in good enough condition to identify himself, the nursing supervisor said.
After the incident, the Chicago Transit Authority shut off power for both the north- and southbound tracks, halting service for a little more than an hour while rescue personnel from the Evanston fire department worked to remove the man from the tracks. Police officers closed off Sherman Avenue between Lake and Greenwood streets while they worked.
Passengers on the stopped train waited for about 25 minutes before they were led off the back of the train and walked back to the Dempster El stop. Police did not explain to them the source of the delay.