Updated 3:40 p.m. Friday, Sept. 28
Associated Student Government’s scheduled alcohol-friendly tailgate will not take place before Saturday’s football game, but will be introduced at the homecoming game Oct. 13.
The tailgate appeared to be ready until Thursday, when the Interfraternity Council applied to have their dry tailgates in the east lot near Ryan Field, where the alcoholic tailgates were to happen.
Athletics Director Rick Taylor said holding both tailgates in the east lot on Saturday was not a possibility, although both tailgates could have fit there.
“Anytime you have a mix of underage people and people of age, you’re going to have a violation of law and you’re going to have huge liability issues,” Taylor said.
Taylor said ASG’s tailgate might have taken place Saturday if things had not been planned at the “11th hour.” University President Henry Bienen did not approve the tailgates until Tuesday, and ASG did not get the required insurance until Thursday.
The Oct. 13 ASG tailgates will take place in the “woodchip area” between the east lot and the stadium.
“It’ll be perfect,” said ASG President Jordan Heinz. “Unfortunately, to get that area we had to sacrifice a game, but with that sacrifice comes the best location possible.”
Heinz said he agreed that the fraternity tailgates should take precedence over ASG’s alcohol-friendly tailgate because the purpose of his tailgate is to “revitalize” the fraternity tailgates, which have suffered since IFC voted to make the tailgates dry in 1999.
In lieu of ASG’s tailgate, the Athletic Department will hand out free beer to all students 21 and older at Wildcat Alley near the baseball field.