The student loans office will be moving back to campus in September after a one-year relocation on the corner of Church and Oak Streets.
The office will move into 555 Clark St. before the end of September, said Paul Weller, NU’s director of facilities planning. The lease on the current office on 1007 Church St. expires Sept. 30.
“We wanted to bring them to a location to that would be more approximate to the admissions office and various other administrative offices to make it more convenient for students,” Weller said. “1007 Church St. is not exactly a convenient location.”
The office moved last May to the building on Church Street from 1801 Hinman Ave. to free up room for a $1.3 million renovation of the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. Many administrators were concerned the distance was too far for students to regularly visit the office.
“It’s too far for students to come to Church and Oak, and the people in charge want us back,” said May Beverly, who has worked in the student loans office since 1979.
Space for the office in 555 Clark St. was created when administrators consolidated a few Information Technology offices and moved them to 1603 Orrington Road, the Bank One building, Weller said. He said some human resources offices also were moving from 1007 Church St. to 555 Clark St.
Weller said the move would improve student access to the student loans office.
“It’s a better location than where student loans is currently at,” he said. “Just in terms of being more approximate to campus and closer to students, it’s easier to get to than 1007 Church.”
Students agreed the move would benefit them.
“Anything involving money that the school owes you or that you’re getting ought to be near campus,” said Fatimah Simmons, a Speech sophomore.