Members of ReformaNU, a student group concerned about the quality of the Hispanic studies department, decided Monday to stage protests to call for change in the department.
The group declined to disclose the time and place of the protests, but said they plan to ask for better advising, more 300-level courses and more professors.
Last week, members of 12 student groups petitioned administrators to hire Prof. Christopher Larkosh for a tenured position.
Students said that although they still want to continue fighting to keep Larkosh at NU, they don’t want to let any opportunities for change within the department slip away.
“I’m starting to see the main struggle more we can complain, we can fight but basically we’re talking to a wall,” said Briana Wilson, a Hispanic studies major. “So our biggest fight is definitely Larkosh and advising. If the advising is going to stay the way it is, then nothing’s going to change.”
Associate Weinberg Dean Michael Sherry responded to the students’ petition, saying he would be glad to meet with the students to hear their concerns.
The students also agreed to work with Sameer Gafoor, Associated Student Government academic vice president, to plan a moderated meeting next week between the students, Hispanic studies Chairwoman Lucille Kerr, and Weinberg Deans Eric Sundquist and Sherry.
But the students said they wanted to go to the meeting only after taking action on campus.
They also plan to write the Latino Parents Association as well as parents of Hispanic studies major and minors, asking them to call administrators with complaints about the department.
The group also will distribute fliers Friday at the Alianza-sponsored Cinco de Mayo festivities at Norris University Center.
Speech junior Dinorah Sanchez said the group needs to continue demanding changes.
“We’ve given (administrators) enough chances to respond,” she said. “It’s been meeting after meeting, proposal after proposal. That’s why we should get loud now.”