Seth Stern enrolled his son, a kindergartener, in the Two-Way Immersion program at Washington Elementary School for the 2023-24 school year. Now, Stern’s son learns alongside native Spanish speakers...
Around 20 Evanston/Skokie District 65 parents attended a Two-Way Immersion program information session on Thursday at Dawes Elementary School. The event was led by D65’s Multilingual Program Director...
In September 2022, married couple William Soler and Yohana Cabrera arrived in Evanston with their two sons. Their family sought refuge after receiving kidnapping and death threats from a drug cartel in...
In early 2023, Evanston/Skokie School District 65 set a We Compost program record for most number of schools within a district participating in food scrap composting, according to the Illinois Food Scrap...
At Latinidades Spring Break Camp last week, children ages 6 to 10 explored and affirmed their Latine identity through butterfly drawing and mirroring exercises.
The free, five-day camp is part of a...