A new board game, Factions of Sol, created by a startup from The Garage, is blasting off toward success.
Mark IV Games, founded in 2019, produced the game. Founder and CEO Elam Blackwell (Communication...
If you’re looking for weekend plans, here are some of the student performances you won’t want to miss.
Fusion Dance Company: Fusion Spring Show 2022: After Dark — Ryan Auditorium, Technological...
Communication senior Samara Malik’s freshman winter was anything but stress-free. With five classes and as much theatre as she could handle, she said her work-life balance was unsustainable.
The music you know and love. A silly, chaos-filled plot. A “dance party in McCormick.” Most importantly, a reprieve from studying for finals. What more reasons could a Northwestern student need to...
Content warning: This story contains mentions of gun violence.
The newest student musical, “Our New Town,” tackles the dark American reality of gun violence through activism, both onstage...