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Northwestern University and Evanston's Only Daily News Source Since 1881

The Daily Northwestern

Northwestern University and Evanston's Only Daily News Source Since 1881

The Daily Northwestern

Sen. Dick Durbin speaks at the Northwestern Pritzker School of Law in 2015. An ASG committee aims to present the Affordable College Textbook Act, which was proposed by Durbin, at an upcoming Association of Big Ten Students conference.

ASG renews effort to support bill that could reduce the cost of textbooks

November 15, 2016

Members of Associated Student Government aim to gather faculty and student support for a bill that would create public online textbook resources for college communities. The Affordable College Textbook...

NU Votes volunteers speak to students at a voter registration booth in Norris University Center in September. On Tuesday, the Association of Big Ten Students announced that more than 32,000 students were registered to vote through its campaign.

Association of Big Ten Students registers more than 32,000 students to vote

October 26, 2016

The Association of Big Ten Students announced Tuesday that it has surpassed its goal of registering 30,000 students to vote through its “Vote B1G” campaign. As of Tuesday morning, the group had...

Brent Turner, executive director of Campus Life, speaks at Associated Student Government Senate on Wednesday. Turner said he wants students and administrators to start a dialogue about student group exclusivity.

ASG Senate to consider resolution disavowing potential open group proposal

May 19, 2016

Associated Student Government Senate will consider next week a resolution disavowing a potential University proposal that would push some exclusive student groups to open their doors to all. The resolution,...

Associated Student Government president Christina Cilento (left) and executive vice president Macs Vinson publicly apologized for violating election commission guidelines. The apologies were part of a punishment approved by Senate last week.

Cilento, Vinson publicly apologize for election violations

April 28, 2016

Associated Student Government president Christina Cilento and executive vice president Macs Vinson gave public apologies to Senate on Wednesday following an impeachment trial last week. Cilento and...

A new committee with members from across the Northwestern community will convene to discuss ways to improve the residential experience. More than $500 million will go to renovations and upgrades.

New committee works to enhance residential experience

January 14, 2016

A newly formed committee will focus on enhancing the sense of community and inclusion in campus housing. The Undergraduate Residential Experience Committee — composed of faculty, staff and students...

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Ross Krasner