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The Daily Northwestern

Northwestern University and Evanston's Only Daily News Source Since 1881

The Daily Northwestern

Northwestern University and Evanston's Only Daily News Source Since 1881

The Daily Northwestern

Ava DuVernay discusses her film, “Selma,” after it was screened at Alice Millar Chapel on Monday night. “Selma,” directed by DuVernay, depicts the 1965 voting rights protests.

‘Selma’ director discusses film’s themes

May 19, 2015

When the director of the film “Selma” visited campus Monday, she told the crowd of more than 700 there is a tendency to emphasize achievements of marginalized communities, which can distract from the...

Goodman: Four picks for Northwestern's 2015 commencement speaker

Goodman: Four picks for Northwestern’s 2015 commencement speaker

January 15, 2015

As the days until 2015 ticked down over Winter Break, I began to think about what the new year would mean to me. I had images in my head of making some last special Northwestern memories and graduating...

Muller: Senate immigration bill is a successful compromise

Muller: Senate immigration bill is a successful compromise

April 17, 2013

On Wednesday morning, the group of senators colloquially referred to as the “Gang of Eight” formally filed their new immigration reform bill. One can be certain that there will be an uproar, as there...

Thomas Beatie, a female-to-male transsexual frequently cited as the world's "first pregnant man," spoke about his social and legal challenges, as well as recent complications with his divorce.

Thomas Beatie, world’s first pregnant man, describes social, legal challenges

February 24, 2013

Thomas Beatie is known by the media as “the world’s first pregnant man.” But it is more than just the pregnancy that has shaped his experiences, he said. It’s that some hospitals labeled him...

Kurtz: To err is human; to forgive, divine

Kurtz: To err is human; to forgive, divine

January 30, 2013

January 2013 has been a bad month for hero worship. In quick succession, two of the most admired men around – former Tour de France champion Lance Armstrong and Notre Dame’s star linebacker Manti...

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