Communication sophomore Samantha Miheve found inspiration in the ensemble of unique characters in the television show “Parks and Recreation.” This summer, Miheve is screenwriting her own political...
There's no doubt college is expensive. Aside from tuition, housing and meal plans, you might find yourself with additional expenses associated with extracurriculars, study abroad, research and internship...
SESP junior Jordyn Ricard received a record ninth research grant from the Office of Undergraduate Research this year, earning over $25,000 in total grant funds.
Ricard began her academic career at Northwestern...
A group of fifteen Northwestern students supported by the Undergraduate Language Grant will find themselves in countries like Turkey, South Korea and France this summer, where they will participate in...
The Office of Undergraduate Research received a record-breaking 203 academic year undergraduate research grant applications this year and will fund 134 proposals, according to its 2018-2019 Academic Year...