Laura Nirider (School of Law ‘08) was a third-year law student intending to pursue a career in commercial litigation before she enrolled in Steven Drizin’s class on wrongful convictions in...
Award-winning documentary series have captured the attention of Netflix binge-watchers across the globe, but they would be nothing without the legal team behind the infamous cases.
On Monday, defense...
The U.S. Supreme Court announced Monday that it will not hear the case of Pritzker lawyer Laura Nirider’s client, Brendan Dassey.
Dassey was found guilty of raping and murdering Teresa Halbach in...
If the U.S. Supreme Court decides to hear the case of Pritzker lawyer Laura Nirider’s client, Brendan Dassey, it will be the first time the Court has heard a case of a false confession in nearly 40 years,...
Pritzker Prof. Steven Drizin said that early in his career, he was asked to represent an 11-year-old boy who confessed to killing his 83-year-old neighbor. It was the moment that the boy told him, “I...