Northwestern’s special collections contain a variety of rare, fragile and notably comprehensive materials, including a significant amount of publications produced by members of...
ALEX CHUN: For as long as he can remember, Vince McCoy has heard music in his head.
VINCE MCCOY: You know, I always was, from an early age, you know, I was just singing along to recordings. And I remember...
In 1970, Maher Ahmad and Bill Dry founded the Gay Liberation Front — Northwestern’s first gay rights advocacy group. The group hosted the first gay dance on campus, held demonstrations in the city...
The Daily Northwestern · “Our songs are the stories of our lives”: Two men remember the beginnings of gay liberation at NU
During Maher Ahmad’s (Communication ’71, ’74) junior year on campus,...
This is the first column in “50 Years of Queer Anger,” a series examining LGBTQ+ issues in the United States since 1969.
This year is the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall riots, a moment that kickstarted...